How I Met Your Mother S01E10 - The Pineapple Incident 小筆記

Robin: Well, I should go get dressed.
Ted: Where are you going, buddy? Hot date?
Lily: I'll say, she's going out with a billionaire.
Robin: Lily, I told you not to call him that.
Ted: Wait, you're really going out with a billionaire?
Robin: He's not a billionaire. He's a hundred millionaire. Why do people always round up?
Ted: So, uh, where's Thurston Howell taking you?
Robin: A charity dinner.
Lily: Yeah, $2000 a plate.
Robin: $1500, Stop rounding up. And it's for third world hunger.
Barney: You gonna put out? (Everyone looks at Barney incredulously) What? There's only one reason he's taking her to this dinner and it's not so little Mutu can get his malaria pills.
Lily: I think my soul just threw up a little bit.
而後來Ted說的Thurston Howell則是從1964-1967,在CBS演出的劇“Gilligan’s Island”中的一位角色,他是supreme badass millionaire;)

round up呢,則是數學名詞。
round up:無條件進位、round off:四捨五入、round down:無條件捨去

$2000 a plate,應該和per plate意思相近

put out是美國的俗語,用來指have sex,通常用在女生的身上。



最後Lily那句:I think my soul just threw up a little bit真是太有趣了

Iju Hsu's photo.Iju Hsu's photo.

Barney看到Table 4有正妹,要過去搭訕;
Barney: What? You done? Great. Check out table number four. See that little hottie on the end. She's short but has an ample bosom. I love it. She's like half-boob. Let's go. (Barney stands up)
Ted: Yeah, and say what? What's our big opening line?
Barney: Daddy's home.
Ted: Daddy's home?
Barney: Yeah.
Ted: You want us to go over there right now and say to those girls, 'daddy's home.' Really think about that, Barney.
Barney: Hm. Yeah, I think it's pretty solid. (Barney walks away from their booth over to table four)
Marshall: OK, think about this, is there even a single item on the menu that has garlic in it?
Lily: Garlic fries.
Marshall: OK, well, I'll get back to you.
(Barney walks back to their booth)
Ted: Oh, daddy's back. See, if you'd taken a moment to think about that...
Barney: (holding up small yellow piece of paper) Then Daddy wouldn't have gotten this seven-digit Father's Day card from Amy, huh?
Ted: That worked. I hate the world.
Barney: Ted, your problem is all you do is think, think, think. I'm teaching you how to do, do, do.
Marshall: Doo-doo.
Barney: Totally.

opening line則算是開場白吧。
Daddy's home是Barney第一次講這句名言;不過Daddy's home究竟要怎麼翻譯或怎麼解讀至今仍眾說紛紜啊!

vampire, werewolf(狼人,女狼人則可以叫she-wolf), zombie(殭屍)、phantom(幽靈)、mummy(木乃伊)、goblin(地精、哥布林), grim reaper(死神)

I'll be back to you,則常用來一時無法回答或反駁對方時的質疑,有點像是你等著瞧,我會再來報復你的感覺

因為Barney說:how to do, do, do

Ted: I'm back baby doll!
Barney: Hey, hey hey hey, he rallies. And the night begins now. (Barney and Ted high-five) All right, game face on. Carl, two more. All right, all right, what do we think of this one?
Ted: I think....
Barney: Ehhh! Trick question, no thinking. You know what time it is? It's do o'clock. Let's ride.
Ted: Bring it.
(Barney walks over to table and sits down next to girl, Ted walks in another direction)
Barney: Have you met Ted? (Barney gestures behind him and finds that Ted's not there, sees Ted standing by jukebox with his phone) Excuse me. (Barney walks over to Ted) You're calling Robin.
Ted: I'm calling Robin.
Barney: Ted, as your mentor and spiritual guide, I forbid you from calling her.
Ted: Oh yeah? What you gonna do?
Barney: If you complete that call, I will set your coat on fire.
Ted: You're bluffing. (Ted completes call to Robin) Hello, Robin, it's Ted.
(Robin at dinner, answers phone)
Robin: Ted, for the last time, stop.
(Robin hears Ted screaming)
Robin: Ted!

trick question則有腦筋急轉彎的意思哦!
因此trick question就是有點陷阱、不符合一般邏輯思考的問題,有時可能甚至沒有正確答案。
Urban Dictionary給的例子非常的有趣,大家可以看看:
Girlfriend asks: do I look fat in this? (trick question)
If you tell her she does, she'll throw a fit and tell you how insensitive you are. If you tell her she doesn't she'll call you a liar and go off on a tangent about how "all men are the same" or some nonsense like that

It's do o'clock,其實就是現在是___的時間
他們利用it's __verb__ o'clock的句子


Iju Hsu's photo.Iju Hsu's photo.

[flashback to Barney putting Ted to bed]
Ted: Barney, you've always taken care of me. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Go into my stable and take my finest stallion. He's yours, his name is Windjammer.
(Ted lies down)
Barney: Sleep it off, bra. (Barney turns off light and closes down behind him)
(Ted enters MacLaren's)
Ted: I'm back, baby doll! And I am gonna throw up. (Ted walks over to bathroom)

[back to present scene]
Ted: I threw up? My streak is over. Vomit-free since '05 doesn't sound good. Sorry, Carl, go on.

[flashback to Ted talking to Carl at bar]
Ted: Carl, did you know the word karaoke is Japanese for empty orchestra? Isn't that hauntingly beautiful? Are you a vampire?
Carl: I am cutting you off. Go home and get some sleep, Ted.
Ted: Yeah, sun's gonna come up soon. Wouldn't want to be around for that, would we? Hey, how easy do you think it'll be to sneak into the zoo? I have to see some penguins, like right now.
Carl: Give me your arm.
(Ted puts arm on bar)
Carl: This way, if you pass out in the gutter... (Carl writs on Ted's arm, Ted starts laughing)
Ted: That tickles.


sleep it off就Urban dictionary說是源自walk it off。
當如果有人受輕傷或是生氣後,有些人會向他說:walk it off,就是:走走就沒事了。給個句子:
A: Oh god it hurts so bad!
B: Just walk it off man, you'll be okay.
因此,sleep it off就是:睡一睡就沒事了,身上的病痛、不快醒來之後都會不見:)

所以可以說:No problem, bra!
Marshall: You're joking. I have mad game, bra.
Barney: OK. One, we agreed not to ever say 'bra' anymore. It was a good week, we had a lot of fun, but it's over.



cut sb. off,停指提供酒精飲料給某人。
cut it out很像,只是意思不同,cut it out是停止,等同於Knock it off, quit it, stop it.


Iju Hsu's photo.Iju Hsu's photo.

Lily: Hi Robin.
Barney: Top of the morning.
Ted: Um, sorry I kept calling you like that. I was very drunk.
Robin: No kidding. Those calls were really weird. Look, Ted, maybe we need to talk.
Lily: Let's go get a snack. (Lily stands up)
Marshall: I love to snack. (Marshall stands up)
Barney: I'm good.
(Lily pulls Barney up, Marshall, Lily and Barney walk over to kitchen)
Ted: Come on, those calls weren't that weird.
(Robin clears her throat, gets her phone out of her purse, presses button and phone replays Ted's call to Robin)
Ted: (recording form phone) Robin! Come hang out! OK, I'm gonna make this sound until you come hang out.
(Ted makes weird sound)
Robin: That goes on for three-and a half minutes.
Top of the morning就是good morning的意思
查了一些資料,這是來自Irish的一句問候語,當別人這樣問時,可以講一句簡的「thank you」就行了
如果傳統一點的回答,則是:And the rest of the day to yourself
這裡補個St. Patrick's Day,這是起源自Ireland的傳統,詳細的介紹可以看這裡聖派翠克節,+St.+Patrick's+Day
而St. Patrick's Day在每年的3/17都會舉行遊行,大家要穿上代表Ireland的綠色,當天也會看到大量代表性的象徵--酢漿草。

No kidding,則是:這真的不是開玩笑的、別開玩笑了
A: Hey, Mary has a new boyfriend!
B: No kidding?!

當Robin提出說:我覺得我們應該好好談談時,Marshall和Lily很識相的要去廚房「get a snack」,即藉故離開現場,讓T、B好好談;
沒想到超級不識相(XD)的Barney說:I'm good,說自己不需要吃甜點,當然是想留在現場看好戲囉!

再來hang out就是和朋友出來,一起打發時間的意思。

Iju Hsu's photo.Iju Hsu's photo.

Robin: Hi Trudy, I'm Robin. It's nice to meet you. You're right, she is shy.
Ted: I'm not making this up. She must have climbed out the fire escape. (Robin looks at Ted incredulously) Whatever, whatever. I don't care what you think.
Robin: Then why did you hide her from me?
Ted: Wow, you're good. Did anyone ever tell you you should be on 60 Minutes?
Robin: Yes, you did, last night.
Ted: Really? Well.
Robin: Get some sleep, Ted. You had a long night. And don't feel bad, I've woken up with worse. (Robin walks out of his room, Ted sits down on bed and lies back)
Future Ted VO: I left Trudy a message but she never called me back. That's just how life works sometimes. You turn off your brain for a night, and all you're left with is a bad hangover, a sprained ankle.
(Ted looks at pineapple)
make up是捏造的意思,Ted說他並沒有編故事
fire escape則是防火梯,相信大家看美劇或電影一定有看過,常常看到在公寓外

60 minutes則是CBS製作的時事報導專訪節目,從1968年播出到現在。

再來的hangover則是宿醉,2009年的電影《醉後大丈夫》的片名即是The Hangover


Iju Hsu's photo.Iju Hsu's photo.

1 則留言:

  1. 你真是太棒了,你写的这些对我帮助很大。谢谢



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