2013/12/27 [HAVE...YOU MET LILY?]解答

為了慶祝HIMYM讀書會進行十集,及應景慶祝2013聖誕節,開始一連七天的活動,今天的主題是:HAVE… YOU MET Lily?

About Lily Aldrin

l   Q:當MarshallLily表示其實自己很愛吃橄欖而打破了Olive theory時,Lily的反應是?(S01E01
AWe’ll make it work. (They kiss.)

l   QLily曾經向Robin發誓自己的口風很緊。那句發誓的話是?(S01E02
AAre you kidding? This flapper—Fort Knox
Robin: Oh, totally. I mean, he’s sweet, he’s charming, he’s just looking for something a little bit more serious than I am. I mean the most I can handle right now is something casual. This just stays between us, right?
Lily: Are you kidding? This flapper—Fort Knox.

l   QLily戴上戒指後卻沒人向她搭訕,她很沮喪。她後來脫下戒指,告訴Robin她只是想要試試「她的網還能捉到幾條魚」。Lily後來抓到的「魚」是?(S01E03
AOne gay dolphin.
Lily: I guess I wanted to throw this net back into the ocean and see how many fish I could catch. So far, one. One gay dolphin. (Smiles)

l   Q:當Lily聽到MarshallTedNatalie第一次分手時的辯護感到很生氣,她對Marshall的處罰是?(S01E04
AWe’re not going have sex for at least a month
Marshall: Okay, in my client’s defense. Is there an unterrible way to break up with somebody ? No. Personally I’d rather hear the bad news on an answering machine than face the humiliation in person. (Lily Picks up her phone) It’s the least painful way you can do it. Who are you calling ?
Lily: (On Phone) Hi, Marshall, it’s Lily. We’re not going have sex for at least a month. But you’re awesome. Okay bye-bye. (Hangs up)

l   QLily曾在一次大冒險上向一群遊學團表演?(S01E05
Robin: Why are you becoming this person ? I heard that in college you flashed a campus tour group on a dare.
Lily: Once on a dare. The other times were just for fun. I’m not in college anymore. I’d love to go back and be that person again, but you can’t move backwards you can only go forward.

l   QLily Halloween的裝扮很漂亮但很麻煩。請問她想上廁所時說了一句話,是什麼?(S01E06
APolly gotta pee.
Lily: All right, Polly gotta pee.
Marshall: Again?
(Lily and Marshall walk toward bathroom)

l   Q:當Lily聽到Marshall要把Cockamouse送去實驗室覺得很慘忍。請問Lily的理想做法是?(S01E07
AShouldn’t we just beat it to death with a bat?
Marshall: Calm down, I have a plan. I told my friend, Sudeep, about it. He wants to show it to the Columbia biology department. But it has to be alive.
Lily: Wait, no no. They'll do lab experiments on it. That's so mean. Shouldn't we just beat it to death with a bat?

l   QLily多久沒有回公寓,以致於她完全沒接到房東的通知?(S01E08
AThree months ago.
Lily: I could see how you would think that but I have to have my own place. It's an independence thing.
Robin: When was the last time you were there?
Lily: Three months ago. (Robin laughs) What? It's like fat pants. You hope you never have to use 'em but you're glad to know they're there. (Lily and Robin stop walking, Lily looks confused) What the hell?

l   QLily曾因什麼罪名而在Minnesota被逮捕?(S01E09
APublic urination
[INT. ERICKSEN DINING ROOM: Marshall has his cell phone to his ear and puts it down to his chest]
Marshall: Lily's been arrested.
Judy: Oh dear, what for?
Marshall: Public urination.

l   Q:在TedPineapple accident之夜,其實Barney偷偷睡在浴室,而看到Lily做什麼?(S01E10
Awere you here when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night?
Lily: Wait, were you here when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night?

Barney: Don't worry, I slept through it. (laughs) I totally didn't sleep through it. For a little girl, you've got a big tank.




今天在寫ARG文時才發現網誌好久沒更新了XD 最近的新動態是在「 鏡文化 」開Podcast節目,《語言好好玩》,自己推薦大家來聽XD 是一個語言學的科普節目,用生活化的例子來談些語言學的知識,歡迎大家收聽 <3 自寫稿自錄自繪圖,產業一條龍XDDD 也歡...