2013/12/24 [HAVE… YOU MET TED?]解答

為了慶祝HIMYM讀書會進行十集,及應景慶祝2013聖誕節,開始一連七天的活動,今天的主題是:HAVE… YOU MET TED?


l   QTedRobin第一次約會時說了某句話而嚇到了Robin。請問那句話是?(S01E01
AI love you.

Robin: I think I like your “Olive Theory”.
Ted:I think I like your French Horn.
Robin:I think I like your nose.
Ted:I think I’m in love with you.

l   QTed在電視上看到Robin的報導,立刻衝去Robin所處的超市和她「巧遇」。Ted的藉口是?(S01E02
AShopping for dip

Ted: (Turns around nonchalant) Robin, wow! What are the odds?
Robin:What are you doing here?
Ted:Oh, you know, just—uh—Shopping for—uh—dip (holds dip) I love dip… I mean I don’t love dip, I like dip. As a friend, you know. So—uh—hey, you—uh—reporting a news story or something? (puts dip back)

l   QTed舔過Liberty Bell後,覺得它的味道像是?(S01E03
ANo actually it tasted like pennies.

Narrator: (voice) I had no idea how Barney redirected the cab without me knowing, but we got out, Dana let us in and by god we licked the Liberty Bell. And you know what it tastes like?
[The Bar - Ted/Cute Girl]
(Tedtalking to a woman)
Cute Girl: What?
Ted:Freedom… No actually it tasted like pennies.

l   QTedNatalie重新約會後,又再次決定和她分手。Ted提的理由是?(S01E04
AI wanna break up. I don’t think you’re the one for me.

Ted: Look, Natalie, there’s something I have to say and there’s no good way to say it. I wanna break up. I don’t think you’re the one for me.

l   QTedOkay Bar內和Coat Check Girl聊天時,說自己其實很不喜歡某些大家熱愛的事情。請問哪件事Ted強調了兩次?(S01E05

Coat Check Girl: Because all of the stuff you’re supposed to like… usually sucks. Like these clubs or cruises.
Ted: Or New Year’s Eve.
Coat Check Girl: Or the Super Bowl.
Ted: Or parades.
Coat Check Girl: The rockettes.
Ted: Or parades.
Coat Check Girl: (laughs) You said that already.
Ted: I really hate parades. (Laughs)


l   QTed提到和他契合度相當高的女孩,兩人有相當多相應之處。他談到對方是皮膚科醫生時,Ted的回應是?(S01E07
AI have skin.

Ted: OK, this is getting weird, the similarities go on and on. She hates phonies. I totally hate phonies too. She's a dermatologist. I have skin.

l   QTed將他心愛的舊咖啡機命名為什麼?(S01E08

Future Ted VO: And me making the coffee. I had this coffeepot that was probably 50 years old at that time, and it made truly terrible coffee. We called it Shocky

l   QTed本來想在homeless shelter當志工,最後卻被趕了出來。請問Ted後來做了什麼善事?(S01E09
ANow buy this man a lap dance

Barney: OK, Ted, I found a way for you to help someone, to do some good. This is Walter, and Walter is homeless. And Walter would like a lap dance.
Ted: Are you joking?
Barney: I never joke about the sublime art of burlesque entertainment.
Ted: No, Barney, that's insane. Sir, would you like me to buy you a ticket to the buffet.
Walter: No, I'm stuffed. Just a lap dance would be fine.
Barney: Ted, Walter's been to three shelter dinners. You know where he hasn't been? To heaven with Samantha. Look, it's the one chance you've had all day to help someone in need. Now buy this man a lap dance.
Robin: You said you wanted to see the joy in someone's eyes.
Ted: You know, I don't think I'm gonna watch. Here you go, Walter. Happy Thanksgiving. (Ted gives money to dancer)

l   QTed聲稱自己從幾年開始就沒有再吐過了?(S01E10
AI'm vomit-free since ninety-three.

Ted: How quickly you all forget. I haven't puked since high school. I am vomit-free since ninety-three. Vomit free since ninety-three. That's funny. I'm funny.




今天在寫ARG文時才發現網誌好久沒更新了XD 最近的新動態是在「 鏡文化 」開Podcast節目,《語言好好玩》,自己推薦大家來聽XD 是一個語言學的科普節目,用生活化的例子來談些語言學的知識,歡迎大家收聽 <3 自寫稿自錄自繪圖,產業一條龍XDDD 也歡...