How I Met Your Mother S01E17 - Life Among the Gorillas 小筆記


Marshall小時候因為看了一位人類學家(anthropologist, anthro-是「人」的字根)的書,也想要當個人類學家;卻因為那位專家說的話,害Marshall下定決心要當個「為環境發聲」的律師。
Marshall: ...and if economic sanctions and trade restrictions aren't enforced, the destruction of the rainforests will continue and over a million species will be wiped out.
Ted: So you don't want coffee.
Marshall: I'm saying that the coffee industry is causing irreversible...
Ted: All right. I'm pouring it out.
Marshall: Okay, one cup. The kid needs to be alert. First day on the job and everything.
Ted: I still can't believe you're going all corporate on us. "The kid" has become "the man."
Marshall: Okay, it's just an internship to make a little money. After law school, I'm going to work for the NRDC. They're gonna stop global warming.
Ted from 2030: Well... I mean... they did their best.
Lily: Here's your sack lunch.
Marshall: Okay, I love you because, one, you made me a sack lunch and two, you laugh every time you say the word "sack".
Lily: I love you, Marshmallow.
Marshall: I love you.
Ted: I love you too, Marshmallow.
Marshall: Uh-oh. Ted?
Ted: Oh, no. No, she didn't.
Marshall: Yeah. Yeah, she did.
Ted: Another care package?
Ted from 2030: Another care package. I'd been in a long-distance relationship with Victoria for nearly a month. Long-distance relationships are a bad idea.

最近烏克蘭的新聞,就有篇報導:Kerry to visit Ukraine on Tuesday, threatens sanctions if Russia doesn’t pull forces back (感謝Tiffany>//<)

wipe out則是抹除、掃除,不過比較有趣的是wipe out也可以指很疲累。
來個句子:That game completely wiped me out.(那場比賽/遊戲累壞我啦!)

NRDC就是Natural Resources Defense Council,中文翻譯為「自然資源保護協會」
也是Marshall心目中的dream job


sack lunch,sack是用亞麻或硬紙板所做的紙袋,因此當我們去MOS BURGER或麥當勞外帶時,他們用的紙袋就叫做sack

最後談談care package
Victoria都會寄包裹給Ted,他們稱之為care package
care不但是「關懷、關心」,其實最早應該算是美國援外合作組織(Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere)的縮寫。
該組識都會寄送一些人道救援物資、食物、藥品給需要幫助的地方,那個包裹就叫"CARE Package",可是有經過註冊的認證哦!
後來大家可能覺得這個詞很適合,所以可能寄給朋友一些食物、衣服、日用品等的包裹也被稱為care package,就被廣泛的拿來在平常生活中使用了。
而care package也可以被翻為「護理包」,總之就是寄給對方他們需要的東西的包裹就是。


Barney: Go for Barney.
Voice: Mr. Stinson, this is Willis from lobby security. Sorry to bother you, but we've had reports of a sasquatch loose in the building.
Barney: A sasquatch?
Voice: That's right, sir, a Bigfoot. We don't want to alarm you, but he's been spotted on your floor.
Barney: Yes! Look at you. You suited in an unmistakably upward direction.
Marshall: Whoa. That is a butt-load of motivational posters.
Barney: Yeah, hell, yeah. I got 'em all: Teamwork, Courage, Awesomeness...
Marshall: There's one for awesomeness?
Barney: Yeah, I had it made. Sit.
Marshall: Hey, so, now that I'm working here, are you finally going to tell me exactly what your job is?
Barney: Please.
sasquatch,其實就是big foot哦!
其實Marshall雖然對big foot情有獨鍾,但他實際上很害怕XD
Lily: Marshall's never been to the Pacific Northwest, because he's afraid of Sasquatch.
Marshall: I'm not afraid of Sasquatch, I just think we should all be on alert.


buttload是個形容數量很龐大的詞,Urban Dictionary有這樣的記載:
10x bigger than an assload , and 100x bigger than a shitload , yet smaller than a truckload.

有趣的是,那天我在查Barney牆上的posters時,隔天早上就收到一封從Barney Stinson官網寄來的信:

到了Season 9終於答案揭曉;)

Man #1: My dawg!
Man #2: My dawg!
Barney: Hey, Blauman, Bilson, this is Marshall. These guys are in legal. You're gonna be working with them.
Marshall: Marshall Eriksen. Nice to meet you.
Bilson: Nice tie. Steak sauce.
Blauman: Oh, steak sauce! For true, though.
Marshall: Where, I don't, I don't see...
Barney: Marshall? Sidebar. Your tie is steak sauce. It means A-1. A-1? Get it? Try to keep up.
Bilson: Okay, Eriksen, let's get to work. It's 2:00 a.m. It's raining outside. Ding dong! What? The doorbell? Oh, hello, Jessica Alba in a trench coat and nothing else. But wait-- knock, knock. Somebody's at the back door?
Marshall: I don't have a back door.
Bilson: Oh, my gosh, Jessica Simpson? What a surprise. Two Jessicas, you gotta pick one. What do you do? Go.
Marshall: Right. Well, uh... I'm engaged, so--
Bilson: Fiancee's out of town. What do you do? Go.
Marshall: We're still engaged, even if she's...
Bilson: Okay, fiancee's dead. Hit by a bus. What do you do? Go.

大家應該都對"steak sauce"這句話印象深刻吧XD
但我居然是這次查劇本時才知道為何用steak sauce就是指"awesome"、超讚!
有一個美國有名的牛排醬,就是"A1 steak sauce",大家可能有看過
因為A是英文字母中最優的,1也是有number one的意思,所以A1當然就是指awesome!
只是他們可能覺得講A1太俗氣了,於是就用"steak sauce"來代稱XD


最後trench coat就是風衣啦!


Barney: Okay, I'm psyched about this. But if I'm going to mentor you, I need to know you're psyched about this, too.
Marshall: Oh, I am. I'm, I'm psyched.
Barney: Yeah, but it's one thing to say it, it's another thing to show it. Show it.
Marshall: I'm psyched!
Barney: What was that? Marshall, I should feel tremors of psychitude rock my body like a seizure. That was like a declawed pregnant cat on a porch swing idly swatting at a fly on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Marshall: Wow, that was really specific.
Barney: Show me you're psyched! Let's do this! Ow! That hurt!
Marshall: So badly.
Barney: And then you slip it to the guy with a discreet handshake and he'll get it done.
Marshall: Right. Get what done?
Barney: Whatever.
Marshall: Cool. And what guy is this?
Barney: There's always a guy.
Marshall: Okay, all right, I, uh, I think I'm ready.
Barney: You sure? You want to practice your story one more time?
Marshall: All right. So dude, check it. I'm in San Diego with two of my brosephs from Kappa, and they're all, "Yo, Eriksen, let's roll to the strip clubs." So I'm, like, "Snapadoo!" So we find this choice nudie nest near the airport... ...and that is when the bouncer kicked us out. Now, I have no idea if Svetlana ever got her green card, but dudes, fake diamond ring? Worth every penny, bruh.
Blauman: Eriksen...that was steak sauce!
Bilson: Great story.
記得Barney的那張get psyched mix嗎XD?

然而Marshall的表現實在不理想,Barney說:"That was like a declawed pregnant cat on a porch swing idly swatting at a fly on a lazy Sunday afternoon."


而Snapadoo呢?應該就是用來表示同意,像是"word"或"right on"的用法。在影片中Marshall也彈了一下手指,snap如果大家記得的話也是有彈手指的意思的!

Marshall: 'Sup, Blauman? E-bomb here. We still on for karaoke? Dope. I'm going to rock you on the mike so hard your hears are going to bleed gravy. Catch you on the flip, butt puppet.
Lily: Okay...what do you think?
Marshall: Steak sauce.
Lily: Steak sauce?
Marshall: Yeah.
Lily: Look, you know, whatever anthropology you do at work is your business, but please don't act like that around here.
Marshall: Lily, when Dr. Aurelia Birnholz-...
Lily: No, when Dr. Australia Birdbath-Vaseline came home from the gorillas, she didn't run around picking nits out of people's hair and-and throwing feces. I'm begging you just, just leave it at the office.
Marshall: Why?
Lily: Because you're acting like one of those guys, and those guys are lame.
Marshall: Okay, those guys were mean at first, yes, but they're actually good guys, and if you got to know them, then you would see that. Come karaoke with us tonight, and you'll see how totally not that lame they are, okay?
Lily: Okay.
其實就像是cool, nice, awesome一樣的形容詞一樣,用來表示贊成、贊許。

.catch you on the flip
大約等同於catch you on the flip side,是以前DJ在放音樂時會說的話。
因此這句話就等於see you later, goodbye或farewell的意思!


.butt puppet
那當然也有不太適合放在這兒的意思啦,大家好奇的話以上幾種都可以上urban dictionary查詢。
反之,操縱娃娃的那位就叫"puppet master"


Robin: Hello.
Ted: Why hasn't she called yet?
Robin: Okay, you're making yourself crazy. It's Saturday night. Go out and do something.
Ted: No, what's the point of going out? I got a girlfriend... for now. Besides, if I go out, who's going to watch the news? I'm, like, half your viewership.
Robin: I'm flattered you think we have two viewers. She's not going to break up with you, Ted. You're awesome.
Ted: Thanks. Anyway, it's almost 11:00. I should let you go. Break a leg.
Ted from 2030: And so I was sitting at home, waiting for the phone to ring, something occurred to me.
Ted: I'm actually sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring.
.Little did I realize
Ted一直跟Robin說他與V關係的不安,2030年的Ted說了一句:"Little did I realize , a few weeks earlier, here's what Robin was saying to Lily about me."
Little did I realize或是know,可以翻譯成「某人不知道的是…」,為倒裝句,動詞提前。

.break a leg
break a leg,字面上是「摔斷腿」,但實際上卻是「祝你好運」的意思哦!
為何會這樣呢?據說因為從前表演者迷信祝人表演"good luck"反而會帶來壞運,因此說反話來祝福別人。


因為本週的單字差不多了,這裡從break a leg衍伸一些其他的單字片語吧:)
*keep fingers crossed for you!
crossed finger將中指放在食指以象徵十字架,通常一邊說一邊做這個手勢。


補充一下,如果當人在發誓時cross the fingers,誓言都會變得無效,日後如果違背誓言也不會受到處罰哦XD


*let your hair down:別太拘謹
*catch someone’s eyes:某事很奪目、搶眼
*keep eyes on something=pay attention to something, be engrossed/absorbed in something

How I Met Your Mother S01E16 - Cupcake 小筆記


這集有三個主線,一個是Ted與Victoria;一個是Marshall和Barney及suits,最後是Lily的Wedding dress。
Ted: My first solo batch.
Victoria: Um, I think those need to stay in the oven a while longer. Here's a professional tip. If it's still runny, it's not a cupcake. It's a beverage.
Ted from 2030: Yeah, well, things with Victoria were fun, and easy, and uncomplicated. It was pretty great.

(Barney arrives, while Marshall is coloring his butt)
Barney: Um, are you coloring in your butt?
Marshall: I have a big interview coming up, and my suit has holes in it. I can't sew, I don't own Navy boxers, so, yeah, I'm coloring in my butt.
Barney: So wear another one.
Marshall: I don't have another one. I'm flat broke. My only other suit options are track or birthday.
而beverage則是指飲料,可以包含"soft drink"及"hard drink"。


soft drink就是non-alcoholic beverage,也就是不含酒精的飲料;而hard drink當然就是有酒精的飲料啦!
另一個常見字叫liquor,也是指酒類;因此在美國專門賣酒的地方就叫liquor shop。

再來談談Marshall最後一句話:I don't have another one. I'm flat broke. My only other suit options are track or birthday.
相信很多喜愛看美劇的就會知道一部最近的影集:2 broke girls,就是談論兩個破產的女孩如何奮鬥的故事XD
而sb. be flat broke就是身無分文。


為何Marshall會那麼窮呢?因為他當時正在美國讀law school;因為美國沒有像台灣一樣大學即設法律學士學位,因此畢業後若想要繼續走法律系,就可以選擇就讀law school

最後談"My only other suit options are track or birthday"
track指tracksuit;birthday則是birthday suit
birthday suit呢?我們出生的那天所穿的"suit",也就是totally naked啦XD
所以千萬別在人家的生日派對問壽星說:why not wear your birthday suit at your birthday party? 可是會嚇壞人家的哦XD


Victoria: Hey, girls.
Robin and Lily: Hey.
Victoria: Hey. I'm on my way to meet Ted. It's our two monthiversary, so we're going out to dinner.
Robin: Great! Well, that answers all the questions I didn't ask.
Lily: Robin!
Robin: Oh, come on. We bust on each other. We're just at that place in our strong friendship.
Victoria: Really? Oh.
Robin: Get off me. Oh, see? I did it again.
Victoria: What are you guys up to? Oh, dress shopping. You know, I make wedding cakes for a lot of fancy bridal shops. If you want, I could take you shopping, maybe get you a discount.
Lily: Really? That'd be great.
Victoria: Yeah. Huh. I should take this. Hello.
Robin: Hey, I thought it was going to be just us tomorrow. What's with inviting Punky Brewster?
Lily: Robin, you've got to get over this Ted and Victoria thing. You had your chance, and now he's moved on. Can't you just be happy for them?
Robin: The best I can give you is a fake smile and dead eyes.
Lily: Sold. Victoria, what's wrong?
Victoria: I've just been offered a fellowship at a culinary institute in Germany.

bust on是言語上的戲弄,或是互相損來損去、噹來噹去、表來表去;

而這裡Robin說了句:Punky Brewster


可能是V像Punky Brewster一樣臉圓圓的、baby face
也難怪V在R心中算是Ted的好女友中的Top 1吧!

Tom: Let's meet in your apartment, thirty minutes. I'll order dinner.
Cindy: Sold.

Anne Li超貼心的幫大家整理了很多相關字,像是scholarship, stipend, grant, award...等,都和奬學金有關。

Marshall, Barney和Ted在Barney's tailor;)
Marshall: Bye. Hey, Barney, I'm not sure about this. A tailor in the back room of a pet store?
Barney: Look, do you want a quality suit and a free rabbit or not? Ted, Sergei says stop moping around. You're distracting him from his process.
Marshall: You speak Ukrainian?
Ted: Guys, I'm kind of screwed here. I don't want to lose Victoria, but I can't ask her to stay just for me. And long distance definitely isn't an option.
Marshall: No. No, no, no. No way. You know who likes long distance? Girls. It's all talking and no sex. Kill me now.
Barney: Don't knock long-distance relationships. I really think they can work.
Ted: Really? You?
Barney: Absolutely. I'm juggling four right now. There's Lisa in Madrid, there's Erica in Tokyo, there's Laura in Denmark, and Kelly on 34th Street. The lass thinks I'm a humble sheep shearer from Killarney.
為了要買Marshall要面試用的新西裝,男人們到了Barney's tailor

之前Marshall向Lily敘述的時候好好笑,Marshall: "Everything here is dark and sketchy and seems illegal. It's like shopping in Barney's mind."

mope around則是片語:to move or act in an aimless(漫無目的的) way的意思,它也有表現不快樂、沮喪。

Person 1: Knock-knock.
Person 2: Who’s there?
Person 1: (Phrase A).
Person 2: ‘(Phrase A)’ who?
Person 1: (Phrase A) (funny punch line). - 笑點所在
A: Knock knock
B: who’s there?
A: Wendy
B: Wendy who?
A: Wendy last time you take a bath? (Wendy = When did you)
因為Wendy和when did you 音近,而有這樣的雙關
A:Knock, knock!
B:Who's there?
B:Doctor Who?
A:How did you know?!
這個則和影集Doctor who有關XD




Victoria and Robin: Oh!
Lily: It's okay, guys, I hate it.
Victoria: Just horrible.
Robin: It's bad, it's really bad. Short in front, long in the back? That is the mullet of wedding dresses.
Lily: You know, Victoria, Marshall and I did long distance once. In college, I did an art course in Paris. I was the only American there. It was really lonely. I only had one friend, Gabrielle. She was kind of homely and strange-looking, and she was really self-conscious about this little moustache she had. Anyway, halfway through the semester, she just stopped talking to me, and I never figured out why. And then I had nobody. The only thing that got me through was knowing that my soul mate was back at home waiting for me. If Ted's your soul mate, then it may be worth it to hang onto him.
Victoria: But how am I supposed to know if we're soul mates? It's too soon. Ooh. Speak of the devil. Hello.
Ted: Hey, random question: how do you feel cats?
Victoria: Cats. Hated the musical, love the animal.
Robin: A cat person. Why am I not surprised?
Victoria: Bye. Why does Ted want to know if I like cats?
Lily: Maybe he's going to buy you one.
他們說the "mullet",mullet是一種大約60至70年代有名的髮型,它前短後長,就像Lily當時穿的wedding dress。


再來談談Speak of the devil
據說是18世紀初開始流行的,當時迷信說:Speak of the devil and he's sure to appear
後來越來越簡化,就省略後面,只說:Speak of the devil了。
It's bad manners of John to keep us waiting. He's never on time. Look at the clock. He's already twenty-five minutes late. Shall we go? Oh, speak of the devil, here he is now.


首先Victoria說他"Hated the musical, love the animal"


這部劇是安德魯‧韋伯所編寫而成的,根劇詩人艾略特《Old Possum's Book of Practical Cat》(老負鼠講講世上的貓)改編,1981年倫敦首演後大受歡迎。

介紹完舞台劇後,來談談Cat/dog person
在字面上,cat/dog person是指喜歡狗或喜歡貓的人,但也因為貓和狗的個性不同,而衍伸出兩種不同性格的意思。
cat person可能像貓一樣比較有神祕感,較自我,孤僻,給人距離感;
dog person可能像狗一樣熱情洋溢、易與他人親近,隨和而需要他人關注。
給大家測試看看自己是哪種人吧!我居然是huge cat person?XD


Lily: Oh, I am so beautiful! Oh, don't tell me how much it costs. Just snap my neck now, so I can die this pretty.
Robin: Wow, you look incredible.
Lily: Oh. Okay, okay, how much is it, on a scale of never to never ever?
Robin: Never ever, ever, ever, ever... times infinity.
Lily: Well, it's okay. You know, what makes a bride beautiful is that she's just happy to be getting married. (She sits on the cake, without noticing it) Oh, guys, I know I look amazing, but the important thing is that Marshall and I love each other, right?
Robin: Yes, you're right. But also... you just sat down in the cake.
Victoria: But, you know what? It's going to come out because it's only... chocolate and raspberry.
Robin: Okay. Come on, get up, let us see how bad it is.
(Lily stands up and tears the dress apart, the woman arrives at the same time)
Lily: It was like this when I found it?
Woman: And how will you be paying for this?
Lily: Credit card... s.

有個片語則是snap at someone:喝斥某人,補充給大家:)

come out則是當衣物上有髒汙時,如果將它洗乾淨,就是come out
所以可以說:Did the red wine stain come out?

Iju Hsu's photo.Iju Hsu's photo.

Ted: So we can sit around and cry, or we can run, and do awesome air kicks before our leg gets chopped off.
Victoria: Wait, so we're sharing the leg?
Ted: No, the leg is a metaphor.
Victoria: How could the leg be well enough to do awesome air kicks one day, and yet still so sick it needs to be chopped off the next? I don't know, Ted.
Ted: Come on, we've had a good run. Why end on a fight?
Victoria: Well, what would you want to do?
Ted: Let's do all the stuff we talked about doing and never got around to.
Victoria: Like go to the Mets.
Ted: Yeah, we'll walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Victoria: See some monkeys at the zoo?
Ted: Go to that French-Vietnamese place we keep passing and say we want to try?
Victoria: Wow! We better get going.
Ted: Yeah, big day.
Victoria: Yeah.
Ted from 2030: And, kids, that's exactly what we did with our last day. The museum, the bridge, the restaurant, and all of those nice things.

chopped off則是被砍斷、切下的意思。

get around to N/Ving這個片語,用來指:一件想做但不是很緊急的事情,等待有空的時候才會去做。
例句:I'll get around to putting the photos in the album.

我懷疑這裡劇本寫錯了,應該是Met,指The Metropolitan Museum
而大都會棒球隊叫New York Mets,因此簡稱Mets

Charlie: And first, I have to see the Met.
Joey: Okay, let me stop you right there. The Mets suck, ok? You wanna see the Yankees.
Charlie: No, no, no, not the mets, the met, singular.
Joey: which one? they all suck!



今天在寫ARG文時才發現網誌好久沒更新了XD 最近的新動態是在「 鏡文化 」開Podcast節目,《語言好好玩》,自己推薦大家來聽XD 是一個語言學的科普節目,用生活化的例子來談些語言學的知識,歡迎大家收聽 <3 自寫稿自錄自繪圖,產業一條龍XDDD 也歡...