

Massive Open Online Courses的縮寫。









  • 有基本的電腦處理能力:因為需要放影音、下載文檔等,或是網路有時有問題,需要這種基本能力來解決突發問題。
  • 自動自發:不同於以往,這類課程人數多,老師與助教不一定有(也根本沒有)時間來盯你的出席和課業狀況,因此所有都要自動自發。
  • 適當安排時間:課程往往會規畫一單元所需的時間,因此適當的安排時間相當的重要。如何在工作、學校之餘再進行線上學習,是個重要課題。(但其實一個單元所需時間不會太長啦XD)
  • 勇於問問題、討論:有時候華人學生就是會擔心問問題,但上這類課程不要害怕問問題(反正大家也不知道你是誰XD),問了問題才能真正解決啊。而和他人討論也是相當重要的。
  • 有禮貌:承上,在上面會遇到來自世界各地的學生,禮貌的應對相當重要。



但像我文法觀念很差XD 所以就來學習一下,其實還是有些收獲的。





How I Met Your Mother S02E11 - How Lily Stole Christmas 小筆記

How I Met Your Mother S02E11 - How Lily Stole Christmas
Lily takes away her Christmas display after she finds out that Ted called her a bad name while she was broken up with Marshall, and Barney is too sick for his Christmas plans.

到了Christmas,Lily在布置家裡時發現以前的舊答錄機(answering machine)
Ted (voix off) : Kids, as you know, Christmas is a time you spend with your family. So in December of 2006, I had three options. Spend it with my mom and her new boyfriend Clint, spend it with my dad and his new girlfriend micro-brewing, or head down to Staten Island to spend it with my super religious cousin Stacy and her family. So I opted for none of the above and decided to spend Christmas 2006 in Manhattan... celebrating with my other family.
(Lily is decorating the apartment while Marshall studies)
Marshall : Okay, I have one last paper due at 5:00 p.m. today, so until then, I will be at the law library at school, but I'm not to be disturbed for any reason.
Ted : Dude, open your eyes. You're going to hurt yourself.
Marshall : No, no. Christmas Eve winter wonderland is my reward for finishing my paper. Baby, do I smell your Sinfully Cinnamon Cookies?
Lily : Yes.
Marshall : Damn me and my heightened other senses. Must be strong. Okay, I'll be back here at 5:00. Save me at least 20 cookies and do not clean the bowl. Was that a reindeer? I don't want to know!
Lily : Hey, look. Our old answering machine.
Ted : Oh, yeah. After you left, we, uh, we unplugged it because it reminded Marshall of how you used to, you know, leave messages. But hey, you guys are back together. I say we're plugging it back in. It's good to have you back.
Lily : Thanks. Oh, hey, look, there's still some messages on here.
Ted’s father : Hey Ted, it's Dad calling to check in. I'm going fishing this weekend with my friend Clint, so if I don't hear from you beforehand, I'll talk to you next week.
Ted : Yes, same Clint.

.sinfully cinnamon cookies
也附上Sinfully Cinnamon Cookies的食譜哈,

.answering machine

Ted (voix dans le répondeur) : Hey, Marshall. Are you lying on the couch right now moping about Lily? You are, aren't you? Well, stop it. She's not worth it. You gotta get over that Grinch.
Ted (voix off) : But I didn't say "Grinch." I said a bad word. A very, very bad word.
Ted : Oh, fudge.
Ted (voix off) : But I didn't say fudge.

Lily : I'm... a what?
Ted : I-- That was Barney, that was Barney.
Lily : That was you, Ted.
Ted : That was Marshall.
Lily : Marshall left a message for Marshall?
Ted : You know, it may have been me, but it was so long ago. Man, that machine, it really garbles your voice.You know, it almost made it sound like I said...
Lily : Why would you call me that?
Ted (voix off) : It was a fair question. Marshall's breakup with Lily had sent him into a deep depression and nothing could get him out of it. Until one day...
它是來自童書《How the Grinch stole Christmas!》而來,一隻綠色、厭惡聖誕節的妖怪,每年都會試圖破壞聖誕節。



[End of flashback. Back to the bar.]
Barney : Ted Vivian Mosby!
Ted : That's not my middle name.
Barney : Do you kiss your mother with that mouth ?
Ted : Like you've never said that word.
Barney : I don't kiss your mother with my mouth. Yet. (Barney sneezes)
Ted : Are you sick?
Barney :Is it sick to find maturity and experience sexy?
Ted : No, I meant do you have a cold?
Barney : I'm fine. I'm fine. My nose is just overflowing with awesome and I had to get some of it out. Now, if you'll excuse me, the holidays are a time when people are lonely and desperate. It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Ted : I should go apologize. It's Christmas Eve.
Robin : Yeah. I mean, slamming doors and screaming curses? If I wanted that, I would have gone home for the holidays.
(Barney talks to a girl.)
Barney : I don't see any mistletoe, but... (He sneezes on her)
Woman : Oh! Oh, God!
Barney : Uh... "Bless you" would have been nice.
(Robin walks Barney home. On the Hallway.)
Robin : You're sick.
Barney : I'm not sick.
Robin : You're sick.
Barney : You know what? I am sick. Sick of you telling me I'm sick. What up?
(Barney cough so strongly that he fells.)
Ted : Ahh... Three flights of stairs, not a drop spilled. Hey, buddy.
Robin : You sure this is gonna work?
Ted : Yeah, this is our thing. In college, whenever I wanted to make up with her, I'd buy her a beer. Cute, right?
Robin : Totally. Plus free mug.
.Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


北歐神話中,有一天,天父奧丁及他的妻子弗麗嘉(Frigg)的兒子光明神巴德爾(Balder)做了自己將會死去的惡夢,於是擔心的Frigg拜託世上所有的事物發誓皆不可傷害Balder,獨漏了一隻細小的槲寄生樹苗沒發誓。而洛基利用眼盲的霍德爾(Hoder),騙其向Balder擲出此樹,而槲寄生正是世上唯一可以傷害Balder的東西,枝條貫穿並殺死了Balder,世界因此陷入了黑暗。Balder的母親 - 愛神Frigg得知後痛不欲生,於是她和眾神想盡辦法挽救Balder的生命,最後終於救活了他。Frigg非常感激,因此承諾無論誰站在槲寄生下,便賜給那個人一個親吻。於是,造成聖誕節槲寄生下親吻的習俗。而且也將槲寄生象徵的涵義:愛、和平、寬恕,永遠保存下來,這三者也正是聖誕節的精神本質。傳說中,在槲寄生下親吻的情侶,會廝守到永遠。


.flights of stairs

(Barney is in bed and Robin brings him food.)
Barney : This is a low moment for the Barnacle. I should be off playing laser tag right now, but instead... Don't look at me. I'm hideous.
Robin : You just look like a regular guy.
Barney : Exactly. I'm a Ted. I'm wearing elastic-waist fleece pants.
Robin : And isn't it more comfy?
Barney : Yes.
Robin : Come on, you need eat something.
Barney : Too weak... to hold... bowl.
Robin : Fine, I'll feed you.
Barney : Ouchie in my mouth! I don't want it. I want ice cream.
Robin : No, you're not having ice cream for dinner just 'cause you're sick.
Barney : But my throat hurts.
Robin : No !
Barney :I hate you! (Robin stands up) Don't leave me.
藤壺,如果大家記得Slutty Pumpkin那集,就會對這個單字有印象XD


Robin : You just look like a regular guy.
Barney : Exactly. I'm a Ted. I'm wearing elastic-waist fleece pants.

Robin (on the phone) : You're spending Christmas Eve with your family? Baby, that sucks. I'm so sorry.
Ted : Uh, they're fine. They're just... they're a little weird. You know they don't believe in gifts or Christmas trees. And they think Santa's how Satan spells his name when he wants to trick us.
Robin : Well, do you want me to go with you?
Ted : Was that a sincere offer?
Robin : First tell me your answer.
Ted : Stay there. Save yourself. We'll spend all day together tomorrow. Okay. Oh, how's Barney feeling?
Robin : You mean the whiney bottomless pit of neediness? He was bugging me, so I spiked his echinacea tea with codeine.
Ted : You're gonna be a great mom.
(Marshall walks into the apartment with a box.)
Marshall : Holy crap, the magical Christmas season is upon us. And thank God we don't pay for utilities.
Lily : Merry Christmas! What's in the box?
Marshall : Only the best present for the best girl ever. It took me all day to track it down.
Lily : I thought you were writing a paper.
Marshall : Ah, naw, I blew that off. I'll get an extension. School's not important. What is that pitter patter on the roof? Could it be the sound of an awesome Christmas story about to come down the chimney? Why, yes, it is. 'Twas the day before Christmas...

說到這個推薦一部喜劇《Parks and Recreation》,故事就由一個pit而來:D
這部很有趣,有時很荒謬,但總會看到人性的善良與希望:) (


如果去租房子時可以問:"What kinds of utilities are included?" 以確認租屋費用有哪些。
.pitter patter

How I Met Your Mother S02E10 - Single Stamina 小筆記

Barney's gay black brother is in town, but he doesn't want to tell Barney that he's getting married because he'll be losing his only single sidekick.

Ted (voix off) : Kids, there's nothing more wonderful than New York City in the winter... except the view of New York City in the winter through your apartment window.In the winter of 2006, Marshall, Lily, Robin and I were all deep in couple hibernation mode. Sadly, this left Uncle Barney out in the cold.
[Barney comes into the apartment.]
Barney : Okay. All-night rave, abandoned tire factory in Newark. We're on the list. Who's in?
Ted :- Nope.
Robin :- No.
[Later, Barney comes back..]
Barney : Private jet. Teeterboro Airport, skinny-skydiving. Who's in?
Ted :- Nope.
Marshall, lily, Robin : - No, thanks.
[And again…]
Barney : One beer. Bar, downstairs, 15 second walk. Who's in?
Marshall : Shh... Lily went sleepy-bye.
Ted (voix off) : It got so bad, Barney tried to be his own wingman.
[Barney is at the bar talking to a girl]
Barney : Hi. Have you met me?
Ted (voix off) : Finally, he decided to bring in reinforcements.
[Barney comes into the apartment.]
Tous : - No.
Barney : Yes. And do you know why? Hang on to your bedsores, grandparents from Willy Wonka, because guess who's on his way up to this apartment right now? My... wait for it... brother, James. React.
Tous : - Hey!
Robin : - You have a brother?
Barney : - Yeah. He's the awesome-est, most best looking-est, greatest guy ever.
Lily : He's exactly like Barney.
Barney : That's what I just said.
Ted : Well, Barney and his brother aren't exactly alike. James is gay.
Robin : Really? I never in a million years would I picture you with a gay brother, that's awesome.
Ted : Yeah. I just wanted you to have a heads up, so you don't act all surprised when he gets here.
.private jet

.grandparents from Willy Wonka
出自小說Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,也有拍成電影哦!
.heads up

[They get into a bar.]
Barney : Daddy's home! Yeah. All right, bro. What do you like? Guy in super tight black T? Super tight black guy? Guy who looks like Mr. T?
James : Mmm, yes, yes, and... talk to me after two martinis. Let's focus on you, my man.
Barney : I'm feeling lazy. How 'bout girl with the chocolatini?
James : Oh... boom, back tattoo. Hero and the pig?
Barney :- Let's ride.
James :- Fo' 'sho. Damn baby, nice tramp stamp!
Women : - Get off me, you pig!
Barney :- Hey! Hey! Her body art is not an invitation to grope her, it's an expression of her inner self. I'm sure, in many ways, she is the dolphin encircled by flowers.
James : - What? What?
Barney :- What? What?
James : Cool.
Barney : Let me know if he bothers you again.
Women : Thanks. You should stay close... just in case.
Barney : Sure. If it'll make you feel safer. I'm Barney.

.tramp stamp
大家記得Ted的butterfly tramp stamp嗎XDDD (


Ted (voix off) :Couples, exhausted by the sheer act of leaving the house, are obsessed with finding a place to sit down. There are a lot of other indicators, too. From choice of social basic body language. But the point is, there are many ways to tell whether someone has Single Stamina or Couples Coma.
James : I wish I would've worn sneakers. I just got finished running from some fat, hairy guy who was periscoping out of his pleather pants. Permission to come aboard denied.
Lily : I miss my jammies. I can't believe I wore a bra for this.
Robin : Bras suck. They're so confining and unnatural.
Lily : Yeah, they're like a boobie zoo.
Man : Well, why don't you take it off then and let those puppies breathe?
Lily : Oh, please go sweat on someone else.
Marshall : Poor guy.
Lily : Poor guy? Poor my boobs.
Marshall : Well, it takes a lot of guts to approach a girl and you just crushed him.
Lily : Oh, yeah, yeah. He looks all broken up inside.
Robin : Whatever, you guys have no idea what it's like to be on the receiving end.
Ted : "Oh, poor me. I'm a pretty girl and everybody everywhere wants to buy me drinks and have sex with me." Waa.
Marshall : "Oh, poor me. I get to order yummy, pink drinks with chunks of real fruit that guys secretly like, but can't order because they'll be made fun of."
Ted :- Dude.
Marshall : - They're delicious!
Man : Excuse me. Join me in a shot?
James : Oh, no thanks. I've had enough. He's too in shape, we'd spend all night talking about his body fat content. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go have a yummy, pink drink with fruit in it... because I am gay.
Lily : You know, that was, like, the third hot guy that James blew off tonight.
Marshall : Yeah, he's turning down shots, he's yawning, he's whining about his feet. He's as bad as we are.
Ted : He is. Wait, he's exactly as bad as we are. You guys don't think that James is... in a relationship?
Robin : No. There's no way. He's Barney's brother.
Marshall : Look at that. He's texting!
Ted : Oh, my God! He is in a couple.
Lily : This is gonna kill Barney.
.sheer act
.social lubricant
.Single stamina/Couples coma
而在這裡劇組用這樣相對的概念,指這些單身的人精力充沛,而情侶卻像昏迷般(in a coma)行屍走肉XD

.sweat on someone
[俚語], to like or adore
.in shape(
in good health; strong and healthy; fit.



Barney : James, James, since you like arts and crafts, look at what Charles here made with cherry stems. He did it with his tongue. Yeah.
James : Barney.
Barney : So, Charles, why don't you put your number in my brother's phone, and once he's in a funner mood...
James : Barney, Barney, I don't want his number. I don't want anyone's number, okay? I'm getting married.
Charles : Wow.- Best of luck to you both.
James : - Thank you.
Charles : My number's in here. I'm very discreet.
James : Okay, okay, excuse me. Barney, family talk. Okay, dude, you have got to stop this, okay? I know that my getting married is threatening to your way of life...
Barney : Oh, so now it's my way of life? I thought it was our way of life. You've completely turned your back on it. Look at you, not even suited up. Do you remember why we suit up, James?
James : To get laid.
Barney : To show people that we are different from the millions of T-shirt and jeans lemmings out there. The suit shows that we are a force to be reckoned with, a two-person army that plays by its own rules. But you've taken off the uniform, you've crossed enemy lines, and you've abandoned me. Well, I'm not gonna let you do that. It's not too late to back out of this stupid marriage thing! You don't have to do this, bro!
James : - Yes, I do.
Barney : - Why?!
James : Because Tom and I are gonna have a baby.
Barney :What? There's gonna be a baby?
James : Yes. We're adopting.
Barney : Oh, my God. I'm gonna be an uncle?
James : For the rest of your life.
.turned one's back on someone

.reckon with

[At James’s wedding]
Barney : To James and Tom. May you have a long and happy life together. And may I always have the skin and libido of a much younger man.- Cheers.
All : - Cheers.
Barney : Thanks. I decided to leave out the hetero college phase. No one wants to hear about that.
Lily : It was perfect. You even made Tom's dad cry. Might have been doing that because he's a Republican.
Marshall : Whoa. It's 9:00. We should be getting back. You guys want to split a cab?
Ted : Uh, no, I think I'm gonna stay a little bit longer.
Robin : Yeah, me, too. I'm not tired at all.
Marshall : All right, well, it's getting late. Got to get the wife home.
Lily : Oh, stop calling me that. It makes me sound fat.
Barney : Ugh, it's a freaking epidemic.
(Ted and Robin get up to dance.)
Barney : - May I?
James : - Yeah.
.Might have been doing that because he's a Republican.
.split a cab

1. 這裡的Robin和Ted算是分開回答他們的問題;如果他們還是一對,可能會一起決定是否要離開婚禮。
2. 那時Marshall和Lily已經結婚,而在S2最後一集Ted和Robin在M&L的婚禮後宣布分手。

How I Met Your Mother S02E09 - Slap Bet 小筆記

[INT. MACLAREN'S: Robin, Ted, Marshall and Lily sitting at booth]
Future Ted VO: And some are just weird.
Ted: You're scared of the Seven Dwarfs?
Robin: Just Doc. He's creepy. I mean, the guy went to medical school. What's he doing living with six coal miners?
(Barney runs in)
Barney: Oh, man, I'm so excited. I couldn't sleep last night. I bet you guys couldn't either.
Robin: Why?
Barney: Ah, only the gala event for the grand opening of Sharper Image's 500th store. Didn't you get my email?
Robin: No, I blocked your address after the fourth time you sent me the video of the monkey sniffing his own butt.
Barney: Come on, it's on me! I'm buying three of you foot massagers and one of you a nose hair trimmer. You know who you are. (Marshall looks at Lily then looks down, Lily strokes his shoulder) Come on, let's go.
Robin: All right, I'm in. (Robin, Ted, Marshall and Lily get up to leave)
.Seven Dwarfs


[back to present scene]
Lily: Yeah, I agree with Ted. In a real relationship, you share everything. That's why Marshall and I don't keep any secrets.
Barney: You are such a cutie pie. Here's a quarter, go play something on the jukebox.
Ted: It's true. They tell each other everything.
Barney: I can think of tons of things there's no way Marshall told you
Lily: Try me.
Barney: Do you know about the time the Marshall was in Trenton?
Lily: Doggie ate his pants. Yep.
Barney: Bill's bachelor party in Memphis.
Lily: Oh, when they had to pump out all the nickels from his stomach?
Barney: OK, Seattle.
Lily: Trick question, Marshall's never been to the Pacific Northwest because he's afraid of Sasquatch.
Barney: Damn.
Marshall: I'm not afraid of Sasquatch. I just think we should all be on alert.
Ted: Trust me, not only do they tell each other everything. They want to know everything.

.bachelor party
大腳野人,也就是big foot

Slap bet!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ted: So, you don't think there's any friend from Canada?
Marshall: Oh, I'm sure there is. Just like I have a friend who wet his bed till he was ten. Use your brain, Ted.
Barney: Guys, there's not way Robin's married. It's ludicrous to even suggest it.
Ted: Thank you Barney.
Barney: 'Cause it's porn.
Ted: I need another beer. (Ted gets up and leaves booth)
Marshall: Robin is not in porn. I'll bet you anything that she's married.
Barney: 20,000 says it's porn.
Marshall: I don't have 20,000.
Barney: Well then, what do you have?
Marshall: Well. (Marshall looks at Lily)
Lily: No.
Barney: I got it. The ultimate wager. Slap bet.
Ted: Oh, slap bet. We used to do those when I was a kid.
Lily: What the hell's a slap bet?
Marshall: Whoever's right gets to slap the other person in the face as hard as they possibly can, but no rings.
Lily: Are you really gonna do that? That's so immature.
Marshall: You can be Slap Bet Commissioner.
Lily: Oh, I love it. What are my powers?
Marshall: Um, if a problem arises and we need a ruling, that's your job.
Barney: But you have to be unbiased and put the integrity of slap bet above all else. This is an honor you will take with you to your grave. On your tombstone, it will read "Lily Aldrin, caring wife, loving friend, Slap Bet Commissioner."
Marshall: And your tombstone will read, "got slapped by Marshall so hard, he died."
(Ted comes back and sits down at booth)
Ted: All right, what if I ask Robin point-blank if she has a husband?
Lily: You said you would respect her privacy so maybe you should just drop it.
Ted: Yeah, you're right.
.ludicrous(,btw,這部英劇叫The IT Crowd,超好看,大推XD)



[back to present scene]
Lily: Yeah, well, you still shouldn't have told us. I mean, what kind of boyfriend are you?
Ted: See, that's just it. I'm not the boyfriend, I'm the mistress. No, not the mistress. The mastress. Master. What do you call it?
Barney: I'm pretty sure we're gonna call is mistress.
Ted: What am I gonna do? My girlfriend's married. Do I ask her to get a divorce?
Lily: Ted, even if she is married, it's a Canadian marriage. It's like their money or their army. Nobody takes it seriously.
Ted: It's serious to me.
Marshall: You know what, in some countries, if you've been separated for longer than five years, technicall, you're no longer married. I can check it out at the law library at school. (Marshall laughs) I can see my hand print on your face.
Barney: Don't get too cocky, Slappy. I just got a shipment of porn from Canada I have to go through.
Marshall: I won the bet. Why are you still searching?
Barney: Just because you were right doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Lily: Oh, right, like you need an excuse to watch porn.
Barney: Canadian porn. Trust me when I tell you their universal health care system doesn't cover breast implants. If I have to sit through one more flat-chested Nova Scotian riding a Mountie on the back of a Zamboni, I'll go "oat" of my mind.
.Nova Scotian
[俚語] 加拿大皇家騎警。

本名為Frank Zamboni,加拿大清冰機的發明人。

Ted: Sit down or buffet.
Robin: Um...
Ted: Whoa. It's weird that you don't remember.
Robin: No, I just didn't know how to answer because we did butlered hors deouvres in the atrium, but the actual dinner was a buffet in the food court featuring a filet mignon or roasted potato-crusted salmon with a lobster scallion ber blanc.
Ted: Hm. Band of DJ?
Robin: String quartet played at the ceremony, but for the actual reception we had a seven-piece band. We paid extra for the sax 'cause I just love that smooth alto sound.
Ted: How many bridesmaids?
Robin: Seven.
Ted: Flowers?
Robin: Azaleas.
Ted: Color scheme?
Robin: Dusty rose and sienna.
Ted: Husband's name?
Robin: Um.
Ted: You were never married.
Robin: Yes I was.
Ted: No you weren't.
Robin: How do you know?
Ted: I looked it up at the library.
Robin: What library?
Ted: The one on 5th.
Robin: When did you go?
Ted: Today at lunch. And I had a an apple brie panini with potato salad....
Robin: I'm not questioning the lunch part, Ted. What database did you use? I used the Canadian Mall Marriage 6000. (Robin looks at Ted)
Ted: Fine, Marshall looked it up in school.
Robin: You told Marshall?
Ted: You lied to me!
Robin: See, this is why I don't tell people secrets. You were supposed to be the one person I trusted the most and even you couldn't keep a secret.
Ted: But it was a fake secret.
Robin: Yeah, I was testing you and you failed, and now you're never gonna know why I never go to the mall. And it's good too.
Ted: Testing me, that's insane.
Robin: Oh yeah, how long did it take for you to tell Marshall my biggest secret in the world?
Ted: That wasn't a real secret.
Robin: Yeah, but it could have been.
Ted: You are driving me crazy. No wonder your fake husband moved to Hong Kong.
Robin: He moved there for business.
.butlered hors d'oeuvre(
有點類似小點心,在buffet上會有的。可能像是crab cake之類的。

.filet mignon(

.ber blanc
應該寫作beurre blanc,白醬


今天在寫ARG文時才發現網誌好久沒更新了XD 最近的新動態是在「 鏡文化 」開Podcast節目,《語言好好玩》,自己推薦大家來聽XD 是一個語言學的科普節目,用生活化的例子來談些語言學的知識,歡迎大家收聽 <3 自寫稿自錄自繪圖,產業一條龍XDDD 也歡...