How I Met Your Mother S01E15 - Game Night 小筆記

公認最會玩遊戲的Marshall要當game night的host,沒想到…他居然自行發明了遊戲XD
Marshall: It's called "Marsh-gammon." It combines all the best features of all the best games... Candy Land, I Never, Pictionary.
Robin: Backgammon, obviously.
Marshall: No. Backgammon sucks. I took the only good part of backgammon, the "gammon," and I left the rest of it in the trash where it belongs.
Lily: I'm so excited Victoria's coming.
Robin: I'm going to go get another round.
Ted: Okay, I want to lay down some ground rules for tonight. Barney, I actually like Victoria... a lot, so don't say anything embarrass... Don't say anything. And guys, I haven't exactly told Victoria that I used to have a kind of thing for Robin, so we you could just avoid the...
Barney: Well, well, well. How rich. You make me promise to be on my best behavior around your girlfriend, yet, you have been lying to her since day one. Excuse me.Hi. Leg Warehouse? Yeah, my friend Ted needs something to stand on. So, nothing for him to stand on? Okay, and thanks so much. Ted, doesn't Victoria deserve to know that you once had the hots for Robin? I have half a mind to tell the story of the re-return.
Gin全名是Gin Rummy,也是琴酒哦!玩法可以見:


據Marshall介紹,這是一款combines all the best features of all the best games,也就是集合所有遊戲最好玩的地方啦!
依照他的解釋,他應該是以「Candy Land」的世界為基底,再配合其他的遊戲規則來玩。Candy Land的介紹則可以看wiki或youtube哦!

"I Never"可以是個片語。當我們說I never.時,有兩種意思:
1) 我從來沒有受到如此大的羞辱!e.g.
A: Pack your thing and get out!
B: I never!
或是2) 我從來沒有聽過或不相信 e.g.
A: Would you believe I can eat a whole elephant?
B: I never!
而這兒Marshall說的是一款飲酒遊戲:"I Never",或全稱"Never Have I Ever"。
輪到A時,A要說一件"I Never.....",就是A從來沒有做過的事;而A說完後,如果有做過的就得喝一杯,沒做過的可以不用喝,然後換一位說。


btw,如果想要把酒解決的話我也可以介紹可怕的drinking game---「7+8-9」給大家........(抖)



Anyway,這些桌遊(board game)都很適合一群人玩,來炒熱氣氛哦!也很適合給小孩子玩:)

再來Ted提到lay down some ground rules,ground rules似乎源於棒球。
「各地的球隊會制訂一些自己專屬的規則(就是所謂的"眉角"),即使客隊也要遵守。……後來ground rule被應用到日常生活中」(

Barney回了:Excuse me.Hi. Leg Warehouse? Yeah, my friend Ted needs something to stand on
「Sofa Leg Warehouse」,是一間美國的沙發賣場吧,都在賣沙發;warehouse就是工廠。這兒不確定Barney是否確指「Sofa Leg Warehouse」XD
而他的嘲諷源於片語:don't have a leg to stand on,就是沒有證據足以立論。

Marshall: Victoria, "How many boyfriends did you have before you started dating Ted?"
Ted: Wait, the card actually says "Ted?"
Victoria: Okay, uh, well, boyfriends--I guess I've only had... two.
Robin: Prude alert.
Victoria: Well... that's serious boyfriends. I've dated other guys in between.
Robin: Oh, slut alert!
Barney: Oh, great, there it is. Thanks, Lily. You're a peach. Oh, wow, look at that. Robin landed on the Chocolate Swamp. That's five chips for me.
Marshall: Thank you! Finally somebody understands Marsh-gammon.
Lily: Barney, what was on that tape?
Barney: Too bad you'll never find out.
Lily: Oh, damn it! If only I'd given you a fake tape and hidden the real tape in my purse. Oh, wait. That's exactly what I did.
Barney: What?!
Marshall: Drink!

當V回答後,Robin說了一句:Prude alert!
大家應該聽過防毒軟體出現「Virus alert」的警示聲,這兒是R很酸溜溜的說:「哎喲大家小心點,這兒有個岳不群啊~」

那Gumdrop Mountain和Chocolate Swamp都是遊戲Candy Land裡的地名哦!


Marshall: Did you try his cell phone?
Ted: Yeah, I left two messages. I checked the cigar club, the Lusty Leopard. He's off the grid.
(Barney arrives)
Barney: Hey, guys, what up?
Robin: Barney, where have you been?
Ted: Yeah, we're-we're really sorry about that.
Lily: Yeah, so sorry. But seriously, what was up with the tape? No, no, stay.
All: Come on. Stay!
Barney: I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about it. It was the most embarrassing, and humiliating thing that ever happened to me.
Marshall: Well, we all have embarrassing stories. Sometimes it's good to-to talk about it.
Barney: Oh, really? Then why don't you tell us your most humiliating moment, Marshall? Show me how good it is.
Marshall: All right.
off the gird,為形容詞,指:Unrecorded, untraceable through normal means.
e.g. Everyone in this community lives "off the grid", they now draw all their power from solar, wind, propane and other sources.

Barney: Not the slipping-in-horse-poop story!
Ted: Yeah, we all know that one.
Victoria: Okay, how about this? I will tell you my most humiliating story.
Marshall: Yeah, Victoria, way to step up!
Victoria: Okay, it involves a game of truth or dare, a squeeze-bottle of marshmallow ice cream topping, and the hot tub at my grandparents' retirement community.
Ted from 2030: Kids, I tell you a lot of inappropriate stories, but there's no way in hell I'm telling you this one. Don't worry, though, it wasn't that great.
Marshall: That is the greatest story ever!
Lily: Oh my God!
Ted: Wow, wow!
Barney: Victoria, I deem your offering... worthy. My saga... continues.

據她的說法,故事involves a game of truth or dare, a squeeze-bottle of marshmallow ice cream topping, and the hot tub at my grandparents' retirement community.
truth or dare,其實就是真心話大冒險囉!
而marshmallow就是棉花糖。又因為Marshall的名字前半倍也是Marsh,所以Lily都䁥稱Marshall為Marshmallow -////-
ice cream topping是冰淇淋上淋或灑的配料


hot tub則是浴缸,順帶一提,如果有搭配噴射水注的按摩浴缸,就會叫做Jacuzzi哦!


畢竟App其實是泛指所有的Application,在不同的語境下可能會誤導別人以為你在說全部的程式;另外,該程式原本應該發類似"Whats up"的音,所以說A-P-P其實真的會誤導別人的哦!

retirement community就是專門供退休的、或是老人們所居住的社區。

網路上也有網友也想要用這些線索拼湊出一個丟臉的故事,但目前為止看起來要讓Marshall說出:GREATEST STORY EVER!!!都還有一段距離。


Barney: How can... With your dad? I mean, I know judge not lest ye be judged, but gross!
Shannon: Barney, that's not my dad. His name's Greg. I've been seeing him for a few weeks. I was hoping you'd just leave, and we could avoid all this.
Barney: We're breaking up? But what about the Peace Corps?
Shannon: Yeah, all this granola business, it was just a phase. Greg's older. He's successful. He buys me all this cool stuff.
Barney: But I love you.
Shannon: But he has a boat. You should go to the Peace Corps and forget about me.
Barney:(Barney narrator) I didn't go. That night, I recorded my video and mailed it to Shannon. I didn't see her until a week later. There's sugar in the basket. Shannon! Shannon, you came back!
Shannon: I'm just picking up my last paycheck.
Barney: Oh. Did you... did you get my tape?
Man: Oh, she got the tape.
Barney: You? It was you?
Man: Will I ever see another rainbow Oh, man.
(Barney leaves the coffee shop, crying. A man gives him a flyer on which you can read "Suit up". He grabs his hair and cut them short. He then shaves and put on a suit)
judge not lest ye be judged算是比較古式的英文,ye是古英文的you,而lest是古英文文法,用做連接詞,唯恐、免得。



granola business當成燕麥生意,指一種自行創業,或許可以和Greg對比,指年輕人那種不成熟的夢想;
又或是,granola可以當成一種形容詞,指某些人很「環保」,事事都要「有機」,關注大自然,拒絕使用由動物所製造或取出的物品或食物…等。詳細可以查urban dictionary。


How I Met Your Mother S01E14 - Zip, Zip, Zip 小筆記


Marshall: Ready to go?
Lily: Hell, yeah. Nothing better than a weekend at a good bed and breakfast.
Marshall: Yeah. Waking up for breakfast at 7:00 A.M. ...Sharp.
Lily: Complimenting the odors and their collection of needle-point geese.
Marshall: Awkward conversations with middle-aged couples trying to stave off divorce.
Lily: Yeah, well, we'd better get going, it's like a four-hour drive.
Marshall: And it's supposed to rain tonight.
Lily: Or we could just stay home.
Marshall: Maybe watch some TV.
Lily: Order in some Chinese.
Marshall: Oh, Sichuan Garden! Are we really bailing?
Lily: Hell, yeah.
Marshall: Good, cause this thing's empty.
1. 談整點。外國人說「幾點整」時通常會在時間後加個sharp,以表示整點;
2. 另一個是sharp有事物很讚的時候,也會說sharp,像是:After I put on my suit, I thought to myself, "I look so sharp!"。因此我當時以為是這個意思,以為Marshall是在反諷:哇,七點整起床,真讚!
當然,第一個應該比較像是正解啦,但我的不成熟的想法也提出來供大家討論XD 這也是讀書會很棒的地方,大家都能互相切磋:D

Anne Li補充了很多臭味的單字: unpleasant odors- malodor, stench, reek, stink 供大家參考:D

needle-point geese其實翻成線繡鵝、刺繡鵝比較好,那...大家只要看這個連結就知道是什麼了XD



awkward就是尷尬的;而stave off則是避開的意思。例句如:The army staved off the attackers for three hours without letup.

最後咧,Sichuan Garden,四川花園,是Brooklyn有名的四川餐館哦:D
bailing,之前說過不少次囉,就是當我們想要離開、逃走,就是說:Let's bail!!!

[In a cab]
Victoria: So... one more week and it'll be a month.
Ted: Really? Are you sure? Wow, that snuck up on me.
Victoria: Oh, come on.
Ted: The 18th can't get here fast enough.
Victoria: Wait, the 18th? Oh, crap! I can't believe I forgot this... I'm going to be out of town on the 18th!
Ted: Oh. Well, um, we can just... wait until you get back. I mean, the whole point was not to rush into this.
Victoria: Yeah. Or we could do it tonight.
Ted: 75th and Amsterdam.

[In the bathroom]
Lily: I'm so glad we decided to just stay home.
Marshall: Oh, I know. Can you imagine if we'd gone? We'd be just getting there now, all tired and cranky.
Lily: And yet we'd feel obligated to have sex.
Marshall: Yeah, for 89 bucks a night, we're doing it. I would like to propose a toast. To the most awesomely mellow anniversary ever.

甜蜜蜜情侶之Ted明明就覺得一個月超長,但他說了違心之論:「snuck up on me」
snuck為sneak,片語:sneak up on
英文解釋為:advance(推進、向前發展) stealthily(悄悄的) or unnoticed,有點像鬼鬼祟祟的前進XD 和片語creep up相同; "Age creeps up on you"。
再來一個無聊的小知識,Ted他們的公寓在75th and Amsterdam哦^_<

(btw, 我這兒放的貓咪叫grumpy cat,和白雪公主中的矮人「愛生氣」(?)一樣XD)



Lily: I have to pee.
Marshall: This is bad.
Lily: Yeah.
Marshall: We've gone nine years without peeing in front of each other. You always think there'll be more time.
Lily: Look at us. We're basically an old married couple, and we're not even married yet. The flame of our romance is flickering, and if I pee all over it, it might go out forever.
Marshall: How much longer do you think you can hold it?
Lily: I drank a Big Gulp of Mountain Dew during that Quantum Leap marathon.
Marshall: Oh, boy.

因為他們之前進行了Quantum Leap marathon
Quantum Leap則是一部NBC早年的影集,主角會不受控制的穿越時空到某些特定大事發生的時間地點。中文翻為《時空怪客》,是1989年開始的科幻影集哦!


Mountain Dew則是美國的一種飲料,據說命名自田納西州的一座小山丘Mountain Dew。


I have to pee:小孩子有時候會說pee-pee,對應的就是poo-poo囉
Take a leak:leak就是流出的意思。唔…你們懂的。

How I Met Your Mother S01E13 - Drumroll, Please 小筆記


(pictures of brides and grooms at their weddings)
Future Ted VO: Kids, in life there are a lot of big romantic moments, and they make life worth living. But here's the problem, moments pass, and lurking just around the corner from those moments is a cruel, unshaven bastard named reality.

[INT. WEDDING RECEPTION: Ted, Barney and Tanya, a bridesmaid, sit]
Future Ted VO: And so, back in 2006, on the night of Claudia and Stuart's wedding, reality was the enemy.
Tanya: Wow, the Peace Corps?
Barney: Yeah, I ship out tomorrow for two years. You know, some people say the Peace Corps is the most noble thing a person can do. To those people, I say, "Is it?" And usually they say, "yes it is."
Tanya: Barney, they are so right. I wish there was something I could do.
Barney: Oh, Tanya, I'm so glad you said that. (Barney leans over and whispers to Tanya)

Future Ted VO: This wasn't how I thought the night would turn out.
(Ted's dream scenario of him and Robin dancing)
Future Ted VO: This was finally supposed to be my big moment with Robin. But then reality came along.

[flashback to Robin getting called to do news, then flashback of Robin anchoring the news]
Future Ted VO: Robin got called up last minute to anchor the 11 o'clock news. It was her big break.

[back to present scene]
Future Ted VO: And I went to the wedding stag. Then, when I least expected it... (Ted notices girl and smiles, Girl smiles back)

而Barney說自己是Peace Corps,這是美國的「和平隊」。
其實就是義務幫忙國外的志工服務。台灣也有相關的連結,大家可以直接google Peace Corps就可以了:D

turn out,片語,指「結果」;scenario則是「情節」,這個詞在劇本中真的挺常出現的。

[flashback to Ted talking to Victoria at wedding]
Victoria: I should tell you, I have a rule. I never hook up at weddings.
Ted: I'm guessing you haven't always had this rule.
Victoria: Well, here's the thing. Those big romantic moments, they're great when they happen, but they're not real.
Ted: Exactly. Exactly, like, like just now, when I saw you doing the chicken dance out there, I'm not gonna lie to you, big time thunderbolt.
Victoria: You should see me tap-dance. You'd be down on bended knee.
Ted: Sadly not out of character. But I know now it's just a mirage.
Victoria: Wedding goggles.
Ted: Exactly. And that, in a nutshell, is why I'm not putting the moves on you.
Victoria: This isn't the moves?
Ted: What, you think this is the moves? Believe me, you'd know the moves. People ten tables away would know the moves.
hook up我們最常指,某人好上了,可能make out或是have sex,不過也可以指recieve a good or service as a favor。這裡只是提醒一詞有多義,但劇本這裡就只是make out的意思啦XD


out of character則也有多種涵義,像是
1. unlike one's usual behavior.
2. inappropriate for the character that an actor is playing.
3. surprise

Wedding goggles...唔


有些人覺得是因為女生在婚禮上很容易感覺到絕望和脆弱感,就像戴了護目鏡一樣很容易與其他男賓客發生關係,同樣的詞則有bridesmaid goggles,好像也是出自HIMYM XD

而in a nutshell,就是簡而言之的意思啦!
Mycroft: i will be the mother
Sherlock: And there is a whole childhood in a nutshell.

Ted: What, you think this is the moves? Believe me, you'd know the moves. People ten tables away would know the moves.
Victoria: That's too bad.
Ted: Tell me about it.
Victoria: You know, I think I have a solution.
Ted: Interested.
Victoria: And, to preface this, we're not going to sleep together tonight.
Ted: Less interested. (Victoria laughs) Go ahead.
Victoria: OK. So the thing that always screws it up is the next day, right? So, why don't we just cut that part out.
Ted: What are you saying?
Victoria: I'm saying, I'm here, you're here, and this is a big, romantic wedding. Why don't we just dance and have a great time and then when it's over, never see each other again.
Ted: Unless...
Victoria: No, no unless. No emails, no phone numbers, not even names. Tonight we will make a memory that will never be tarnished. And then, when we're old and gray, we'll look back on this night and it'll be perfect.
Ted: Wow. OK, I'm in.
Victoria: OK.
Ted: I guess, what, we'll need fake names?
Victoria: Um, you can call me Buttercup. (Victoria extends hand, Ted shakes it)
Ted: Pleased to meet you, Buttercup. I'm Lando Calrissian. (Victoria laughs) Wow, this is kind of exciting. Our names will forever be shrouded...
(Barney comes up to Ted with a bridesmaid)
Barney: Ted, Ted, Ted, look, I got a bridesmaid, Ted, look, look, Ted, the second hottest bridesmaid, Ted, look. See ya Ted. (Barney leaves quickly with Tanya)
Ted: So, I'm Ted.
Victoria: Victoria. But no last names.
Ted: No last names.
Tell me about it是用來附合別人的話。感覺起來其實很像"還需要你來告訴我",但是非常溫和、好的語氣哦!



而Lando Calrissian是Star Wars裡頭的一個角色,大家可以去咕狗就會看到了。
我個人覺得除了Mom之外,Victoria是Ted歷屆女友中我最喜歡的一個:3 不知道大家覺得呢?

Marshall: A drumroll? That's it. So, what, you just said good-night, came home, and performed a drum solo?
Lily: Oh, Ted, you're such a doof. I mean, this girl sounds amazing.
Ted: She was completely amazing. She was amazing and funny and we connected on every level. And, I'm never gonna see her again. (Ted gets up and walks towards kitchen, turns back suddenly toward Lily and Marshall) Dammit, I have to see her again.
Lily, Marshall: Yes.
Marshall: So, let's get to work, man. What else do you know about her?
Ted: Nothing. Her name's Victoria, that's all I got. Wait, Claudia, Claudia would know.
Lily: Well, Claudia's on her honeymoon. She'll be back in two weeks. Call her then.
Ted: Yes, two weeks, good idea. I'm calling her now. (Ted starts dialing his cell phone)
Lily: No, Ted, you don't mess with a honeymoon.
Marshall: Yeah, come on, dude. Ask her about the cake.
這集的名字叫"Drumroll, Please",drumroll應該就是指擊鼓聲。



[INT. MASSAGE PARLOR: Barney lying down getting massage, masseuse is standing on Barney's back, Barney's phone vibrates, he answers]
Barney: This better be good, I'm about to enter nirvana. By the way, I should give you Nirvana's phone number, she gives a great massage. Say what?
Nirvana: Barney. (Nirvana kicks Barney)
Barney: Ow. I know the house rules. Es un chiste.
(Ted on phone)
Ted: Uh, listen, Barney, I saw you talking to that bridesmaid last night. Did you happen to get her phone number?
(Barney on phone)
Barney: You know I did.
(Ted on phone)
Ted: Great. I'm gonna need you to call her for me.
(Barney on phone)
Barney: You know I won't.
(Ted on phone)
Ted: Why not?
Es un chiste,就是西班牙文的It is a joke!誰叫Barney要在店裡開那種玩笑呢XD
happen to 則是碰巧。

[INT. MACLAREN'S: Ted, Barney, Marshall, and Lily sit at booth]
Barney: Because we just hooked up last night. I can't call the girl the next day. I have to wait at least, like, forever. Oh snap. Never gonna call her. Besides, she thinks I'm on my way to India.
Lily: Oh, come on, Barney. It's for a good cause.
Barney: Ted going all castrati over another girl is exactly not a good cause. Sorry, buddy, I wish I could help you, my hands are tied. Oh no, wait, that was last night. (Barney makes whip sound)
Ted: OK, Barney, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. You make this call and I will go with you to Foxy Boxing.
Barney: Really?
Ted: Yeah.
Barney: But you always said that Foxy Boxing girls were neither foxy nor good at boxing.
Ted: I'm ready to be proven wrong.
Barney: Tonight?
Ted: Tonight. Dial.
Barney: (on phone) Yeah, Tanya, turns out I don't leave for the Peace Corps until tomorrow. Yeah, I know, sucks. Just one fewer day I get to help people. Anyway, this girl, any idea who she was? Hold on. (to Ted) What kind of shoes ... (on phone) Tanya, he's a dude. He's not gonna know what kind of shoes she was wearing.
Ted: Actually.
Barney: Oh come on.
hook up大家應該都知道就是和某人好上,不過也可以有結婚的意思哦!但為了清楚不產生歧義,還是盡量別用hook up去講自己結婚了吧XD


而foxy boxing是一種拳擊賽,選手是女生,通常穿著很露,因此大部份的人並不是為了看拳擊而去的XD Ted對foxy boxing的評語是:neither foxy nor good at boxing,挺有趣的XD
呃..這兒放張foxy boxing的照片,我盡力了!


Peace Corps上次已經談過了,這兒就不多提了哦:D

How I Met Your Mother S01E12 - The Wedding 小筆記


Ted即將要去參加婚禮,但他找不到他的plus one

[INT. APARTMENT: Ted opening wedding invitation, Ted sits down and looks at R.S.V.P card, makes check mark]
Future Ted VO: When you're single and your friends start to get married, every wedding invitation presents a strange moment of self-evaluation. Will you be bringing a guest or will you be attending alone? What it's really asking is where do you see yourself in three months? Sitting next to your girlfriend or hitting on a bridesmaid? I always checked that I was bringing a guest. I was an optimist.

['Two Months and 26 Days Later,' Ted sitting on couch talking on phone]
Ted: Who the hell am I gonna bring to this wedding?

[screen splits, Barney in cab on phone on left side of screen, Ted on right side]
Barney: Ted, have you ignored all my teachings?
Ted: For the most part, yeah.
Barney: You don't bring a date to a wedding. That's like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip. Oh Ted, oh Ted, no, no date.
Ted: Deer carcass, really? That's the metaphor you're going for?
Barney: Ted, it's a simile.
Ted: Well, it's too late now. If I don't bring a date, a $200 piece of chicken-slash-salmon will go uneaten. I gotta bring someone, but who?
首先常見的R.S.V.P其實是法文répondez, s'il vous plaît的意思


我們會常用其形容詞:optimistic, pessimistc

看過《Veep》一定對裡面的討厭鬼Jonah印象深刻,Amy就曾說:Could you ignore Jonah for me?XD



1. -phobia恐懼症

2. mal-惡劣、不好的


Robin和他的有錢男朋友分手了,所以Ted想趁機邀她當plus one:3
Robin: Well, Derek and I just broke up.
Lily: No, that's terrible, are you OK?
Marshall: Yeah, do you need a drink or something?
(Robin sits down next to Lily)
Robin: Never really clicked. I felt bad though, he was pretty bummed.
Barney: Don't beat yourself up. He'll be fine. I mean, the guy's like a billionaire. He can put his platinum card on a fishing line and reel in 10 chicks hotter than you.
Robin: Thanks, I feel a lot better. Think I'll get that drink now. (Robin gets up and walks over to bar)
Ted: OK, guys, I gotta say something. I think my feelings for Robin may be resurfacing.
(Marshall laughs)
Lily: Oh, because they were buried in a shallow grave.
Marshall: Not again. Come on, dude, we all know how this movie ends. Ted falls in love. Love kicks Ted in the sprouts. Roll credits.
Ted: No, you guys just have to look at the whole picture. Fact.
e.g. He's pretty bummed about not getting the scholarship


shallow grave應該指,Ted對於Robin的感情其實沒有埋得很深,很容易因為一點小事又重新浮上檯面。
而有一部舊電影也叫《Shallow Grave》就是:
而植物發芽稱為sprout,urban dictionary也有找到testicle的意思
Roll Credit,有it's over的意思。其實就是電影散場後會有工作人員名單,因此當我們說Roll credit,就指對話結束了,可以不用再說下去啦!


感謝ChiouYueh Wang提供:D
ultra-:超過, out, beyond, away


Ted: So, with that mind, our friends Claudia and Stuart are having this crazy, black-tie wedding on Saturday. You wanna be my 'plus one'?
Robin: Ooh, 'plus one', you make it sound so romantic.
Ted: Fine. You wanna be my date?
Robin: Your date? I'd love to. Um, how fancy are we talking about here?
Ted: Oh, you're gonna wanna bring your A game.
Robin: Oh, I'll bring it. I'll bring it so hard the bride's gonna look like a big white bag of crap. (Robin puts her drink down on the bar and heads over to booth) Lily, I need a dress.
Lily: You're going. That's awesome. Oh my God, four days to find a dress?
Robin: I know, it's a suicide mission.
Lily: Well, if we leave now, we can still have a fighting chance. Let's do it. (Lily and Robin rush out of bar)
Marshall: Bye babe.
Ted: Whoa, did you see how fired up she was? I don't know, there's something there. And come Saturday, a little music, a little dancing, a lot of champagne. Who knows?
Barney: Wow, Ted, you're gonna have to find another gender for yourself 'cause I'm revoking your dude membership.
Ted: Yeah, how was that manicure yesterday?
Barney: Invigorating, thanks.

Future Ted VO: OK, I wasn't going to say it in front of the guys but back then I really thought that's how it worked.
(Ted and Robin dressed up dancing)
Future Ted VO: You put yourself and a girl you like in some romantic setting. The stars line up and shazam.
(Ted and Robin lean in towards each other as if to kiss)
Future Ted VO: I know now that life is never that simple.
在參加宴會時,邀請函上都會注明dress code(著裝要求),以下,以下大致依等級來區分:
1. white-tie:ultra-formal,最正式的場合,通常在宮廷晚會之類的,男士穿燕尾服(tailcoat),配白馬甲、白襯衫、白領結;褲子用吊帶;女性穿大裙擺的長晚禮服。
2. black-tie黑領帶,即是指formal、正式的宴會。男性穿晚禮服(Tuxedo),白襯衫、黑領結、黑腰帶、黑襪、黑鞋;會搭配女性穿晚禮服:evening gown。
3. black-tie optional/creative black-tie:男士可以打領帶,襯衫白色為主;女士則選擇性更多。
4. semi-formal:男士穿深色西裝,女生短禮服、考究套裝
5. cockatil:雞尾酒宴會大約在4:00pm-7:00pm,半正式的著裝。
6. dressy casual:男生穿講究點的便裝,女生穿連衣裙或其他
7. business casual:比dressy casual更隨便一些,但不能穿牛仔褲
8. casual/informal:可以隨便穿,但仍避免短褲、涼鞋等


"plus one",有點像是我們說携伴參加的"伴",也很像ptt用語+1的感覺XD (但還是有些許不同哦)
A game應該從運動用語而來,指盡全力去做的、拿出你最好的本事來!

fighting chance,則是說倘若用盡全力去完成所有努力,很有可能會成功。
fire up,激勵某人、某人像被生火一樣的興奮、鼓舞。

manicure則是美容美甲(補充上次說的,nail polish是指甲油哦XD)
invigorating則是爽快的、心曠神怡的、令人鼓舞的意思XD Barney真的很有趣XD

Urban dictionary指:We use it now to put emphasis on an extraordinary action.





因為Ted想要帶Robin去參加婚禮,但Claudia卻說Ted沒有check +1;Ted間接的害婚禮差點無法舉行....
Stuart: I love you too, babe. Marshall and Ted set me straight, and when Marshall told me not to marry you, it made me realize...
Claudia: Marshall said what? (Claudia pushes Stuart out of the way to try to attack Marshall, Marshall hides behind Lily)
Stuart: He made me realize how much I love you. These guys got us back together. (Stuart and Claudia kiss)
Ted: So, where did we land on the whole 'plus one' thing?
(Claudia turns around and tries to attack Ted, Ted runs away)
Future Ted VO: It took three more vodka cranberries to subdue Claudia but eventually she graciously agreed to let me bring Robin.

[INT. ROBIN'S APARTMENT BUILDING: Ted walks up to Robin's front door in tuxedo, knocks on door, Robin opens door]
Ted: Still wow.
Robin: Wow yourself. Look who else brought it.
set sb. straight,是讓某個人理清思路,甚至是糾正對方。

真正的燕尾服應該叫做tail coat或swallow tail,也是我們之前談"white-tie"才會穿到的哦!

How I Met Your Mother S01E11 - The Limo 小筆記

2005邁向2006的New Year's Eve,Ted幾乎花掉所有的Christmas bonus要給所有人一個驚喜--他租了一台limo!
Ted: Okay, people, let's talk strategy. Last new years, we went our separate ways, and it sucked. This year we party together or not at all. Now, I sifted through your party submission and I narrowed them down to these five.
Barney: Question?
Ted: Yes, Barney, your submissions were received and no, we will not be attending any parties in your pants.
Barney: But you enjoyed the e-vite, right? Thas an actual picture of my pants.
是一種加長型的豪華轎車,可以乘坐多位乘客,裡頭還會有配備高級的設備,像是吧台、冰箱、電視……等等。通常會搭配專職司機(這次是可愛的Ranjit XD),會在婚禮、舞會、生日、葬禮等時刻使用。



不過接著的e-vite,就是invitation sent by e-mail
今天就來首來自Marshall的"Best Night Ever"吧XD

今天的劇本討論結束了,不過來分享上次的大家的回答吧!關於一些好記的英文字根字首,來幫助大家背英文。(感謝Stuart Staples分享:))

通常用來談wrongly, badly,也就是錯誤的、不好的

Robin: Hi, I'm Robin.
Mary Beth: Mary Beth.
Robin: You're friendly. I haven't eaten dinner yet. Is there anything to eat in this thing?
Ted: That's it. I know what you're jonesing for. Ranjit, take us to Gray's Papaya!
Robin: Oh, yes. Ted, you rock.
Barney: We couldn't go back for Natalya, a human being, but we do have time for hot dogs?
Marshall: Yeah, we like hot dogs.
Barney: No. No. We are already behind schedule. Ted, come on. We have an hour and a half before midnight I don't want to be kissing Ranjit.
Ranjit: You don't know what you're missing.
Ted: Come on, it's only a 20-minute detour.
Lily: Which is exactly how much time I need. Ranjit, stop the car.
Ranjit: Stopping the car.
Marshall: Wait. Baby, what are you doing?
Lily: I'm going home.
例如:I'm jonesing for some sushi.

Gray's Papaya則是一間紐約的熱狗店,詳細介紹可以看:
I'm jonesing for Gray's Papaya!



1. 字首ab-:away from; from

2. 字首mono-:one; alone


Ted: Um... Moby, switch up, will you? Yeah, what's up?
Marshall: What about Lily?
Ted: Call her.
Marshall: I've been trying to call her. I can't get through. All the circuits are jammed.
Ted: That's New Year's Eve for you. Well, look, we'll just swing by Moby's party and then afterwards...
Marshall: No, I-I can't. Lily's waiting. I gotta... I gotta find her. Okay, I'll meet you at party number three.
Ted: But... Come on! Moby's party! Moby's party! Moby's par... Ranjit. Moby's party.
Ranjit: Moby's party.


再來switch up則是:換個位子吧
而circuit是電路,get through是接通(電話)、取得聯繫。
而swing by則是順道拜訪
今天的字根字首則是由 Kate Li帶來的:D
1. 字首re-:again, back
像是replay(重播), recall(回想), rehearsal(排演)
2. 字首 uni-:one

1 mono-, uni-
2 ambi-, amphi-, bi-, di-
3 tri-
4 quar-, quadri
5 penta-
背單字的時候會比較好記哦:D 尤其對於即將要考TOEFL或GRE的同學更方便:)

Ted等人要前往下一個party時,沒想到車子壞了;另一方面,Barney心愛的CD也被not Moby給偷走…
Ted: Ranjit, are you sure I can't help?
Ranjit: No. I am pissed. Ted, I don't want you to see me pissed.
Ted: Okay Okay, not a problem. He'll jack it up, slap on a tire and we'll be at party number three in no time.
Lily: I wish Marshall would call. I guess the circuits are jammed.
Barney: Yeah, you know why all the circuits are jammed because everyone's calling their loved ones, everyone around the world. Everyone except Barney. Oh, sure, laugh. Laugh for Barney Stinson. Laugh for the sad clown trapped on his whirling carousel of suits and cigars and bimbos and booze. Round and round it goes. And where's it all heading? Nowhere.
Robin: Is this just 'cause you lost your "Get Psyched" mix?
Barney: I'm sorry. Am I not allowed to have a pensive side?
Robin: No. No, not tonight. Not in the limo. We got to stay psyched. Ted went to a lot of trouble to make this an awesome New Year's. (singing...) *Shot through the heart And you're to blame, darling*
Ted and Robin: *You give love a bad name*
Ranjit: *A bad name*
Ted and Robin: *I play my part and you played your game*
Mary Beth: I'm going to get some air.
Ted and Robin: *Darling, you give love a bad name, bad name!*
Ted: It'll be fine. We'll be out of here in a jiff.
jack up,如果車子壞了,需要用千斤頂給頂起的話,就用這個詞。
雁子也幫大家補充了一些和jack有關的詞哦:D jack還有:
【例】Every Jack has his Jill. 一枝草一點露

而Barney開始展現了他的pensive side,也就是他的陰暗、沉鬱面XD
"Laugh for the sad clown trapped on his whirling carousel of suits and cigars and bimbos and booze. Round and round it goes. And where's it all heading? Nowhere."
booze則是酒精飲料的俚語。而我們常見的縮寫BYOB,可以指:Bring Your Own Bottle/Booze/Beef/Bag…等,請自備某事物。


Robin、Ranjit和Ted為了讓Barney振作起來,因此唱了Bon Jovi的歌來cheer him up!
歌詞的"I play my part"指,做好(愛情中的)角色
但對方"give love a bad name"指某事物本來很好,最後卻被弄臭了名聲

這次的字根字首感謝 林宥辰提供:)
1. de-:do
2. note:筆記

3. sect-/seg-:cut


今天在寫ARG文時才發現網誌好久沒更新了XD 最近的新動態是在「 鏡文化 」開Podcast節目,《語言好好玩》,自己推薦大家來聽XD 是一個語言學的科普節目,用生活化的例子來談些語言學的知識,歡迎大家收聽 <3 自寫稿自錄自繪圖,產業一條龍XDDD 也歡...