How I Met Your Mother S01E13 - Drumroll, Please 小筆記


(pictures of brides and grooms at their weddings)
Future Ted VO: Kids, in life there are a lot of big romantic moments, and they make life worth living. But here's the problem, moments pass, and lurking just around the corner from those moments is a cruel, unshaven bastard named reality.

[INT. WEDDING RECEPTION: Ted, Barney and Tanya, a bridesmaid, sit]
Future Ted VO: And so, back in 2006, on the night of Claudia and Stuart's wedding, reality was the enemy.
Tanya: Wow, the Peace Corps?
Barney: Yeah, I ship out tomorrow for two years. You know, some people say the Peace Corps is the most noble thing a person can do. To those people, I say, "Is it?" And usually they say, "yes it is."
Tanya: Barney, they are so right. I wish there was something I could do.
Barney: Oh, Tanya, I'm so glad you said that. (Barney leans over and whispers to Tanya)

Future Ted VO: This wasn't how I thought the night would turn out.
(Ted's dream scenario of him and Robin dancing)
Future Ted VO: This was finally supposed to be my big moment with Robin. But then reality came along.

[flashback to Robin getting called to do news, then flashback of Robin anchoring the news]
Future Ted VO: Robin got called up last minute to anchor the 11 o'clock news. It was her big break.

[back to present scene]
Future Ted VO: And I went to the wedding stag. Then, when I least expected it... (Ted notices girl and smiles, Girl smiles back)

而Barney說自己是Peace Corps,這是美國的「和平隊」。
其實就是義務幫忙國外的志工服務。台灣也有相關的連結,大家可以直接google Peace Corps就可以了:D

turn out,片語,指「結果」;scenario則是「情節」,這個詞在劇本中真的挺常出現的。

[flashback to Ted talking to Victoria at wedding]
Victoria: I should tell you, I have a rule. I never hook up at weddings.
Ted: I'm guessing you haven't always had this rule.
Victoria: Well, here's the thing. Those big romantic moments, they're great when they happen, but they're not real.
Ted: Exactly. Exactly, like, like just now, when I saw you doing the chicken dance out there, I'm not gonna lie to you, big time thunderbolt.
Victoria: You should see me tap-dance. You'd be down on bended knee.
Ted: Sadly not out of character. But I know now it's just a mirage.
Victoria: Wedding goggles.
Ted: Exactly. And that, in a nutshell, is why I'm not putting the moves on you.
Victoria: This isn't the moves?
Ted: What, you think this is the moves? Believe me, you'd know the moves. People ten tables away would know the moves.
hook up我們最常指,某人好上了,可能make out或是have sex,不過也可以指recieve a good or service as a favor。這裡只是提醒一詞有多義,但劇本這裡就只是make out的意思啦XD


out of character則也有多種涵義,像是
1. unlike one's usual behavior.
2. inappropriate for the character that an actor is playing.
3. surprise

Wedding goggles...唔


有些人覺得是因為女生在婚禮上很容易感覺到絕望和脆弱感,就像戴了護目鏡一樣很容易與其他男賓客發生關係,同樣的詞則有bridesmaid goggles,好像也是出自HIMYM XD

而in a nutshell,就是簡而言之的意思啦!
Mycroft: i will be the mother
Sherlock: And there is a whole childhood in a nutshell.

Ted: What, you think this is the moves? Believe me, you'd know the moves. People ten tables away would know the moves.
Victoria: That's too bad.
Ted: Tell me about it.
Victoria: You know, I think I have a solution.
Ted: Interested.
Victoria: And, to preface this, we're not going to sleep together tonight.
Ted: Less interested. (Victoria laughs) Go ahead.
Victoria: OK. So the thing that always screws it up is the next day, right? So, why don't we just cut that part out.
Ted: What are you saying?
Victoria: I'm saying, I'm here, you're here, and this is a big, romantic wedding. Why don't we just dance and have a great time and then when it's over, never see each other again.
Ted: Unless...
Victoria: No, no unless. No emails, no phone numbers, not even names. Tonight we will make a memory that will never be tarnished. And then, when we're old and gray, we'll look back on this night and it'll be perfect.
Ted: Wow. OK, I'm in.
Victoria: OK.
Ted: I guess, what, we'll need fake names?
Victoria: Um, you can call me Buttercup. (Victoria extends hand, Ted shakes it)
Ted: Pleased to meet you, Buttercup. I'm Lando Calrissian. (Victoria laughs) Wow, this is kind of exciting. Our names will forever be shrouded...
(Barney comes up to Ted with a bridesmaid)
Barney: Ted, Ted, Ted, look, I got a bridesmaid, Ted, look, look, Ted, the second hottest bridesmaid, Ted, look. See ya Ted. (Barney leaves quickly with Tanya)
Ted: So, I'm Ted.
Victoria: Victoria. But no last names.
Ted: No last names.
Tell me about it是用來附合別人的話。感覺起來其實很像"還需要你來告訴我",但是非常溫和、好的語氣哦!



而Lando Calrissian是Star Wars裡頭的一個角色,大家可以去咕狗就會看到了。
我個人覺得除了Mom之外,Victoria是Ted歷屆女友中我最喜歡的一個:3 不知道大家覺得呢?

Marshall: A drumroll? That's it. So, what, you just said good-night, came home, and performed a drum solo?
Lily: Oh, Ted, you're such a doof. I mean, this girl sounds amazing.
Ted: She was completely amazing. She was amazing and funny and we connected on every level. And, I'm never gonna see her again. (Ted gets up and walks towards kitchen, turns back suddenly toward Lily and Marshall) Dammit, I have to see her again.
Lily, Marshall: Yes.
Marshall: So, let's get to work, man. What else do you know about her?
Ted: Nothing. Her name's Victoria, that's all I got. Wait, Claudia, Claudia would know.
Lily: Well, Claudia's on her honeymoon. She'll be back in two weeks. Call her then.
Ted: Yes, two weeks, good idea. I'm calling her now. (Ted starts dialing his cell phone)
Lily: No, Ted, you don't mess with a honeymoon.
Marshall: Yeah, come on, dude. Ask her about the cake.
這集的名字叫"Drumroll, Please",drumroll應該就是指擊鼓聲。



[INT. MASSAGE PARLOR: Barney lying down getting massage, masseuse is standing on Barney's back, Barney's phone vibrates, he answers]
Barney: This better be good, I'm about to enter nirvana. By the way, I should give you Nirvana's phone number, she gives a great massage. Say what?
Nirvana: Barney. (Nirvana kicks Barney)
Barney: Ow. I know the house rules. Es un chiste.
(Ted on phone)
Ted: Uh, listen, Barney, I saw you talking to that bridesmaid last night. Did you happen to get her phone number?
(Barney on phone)
Barney: You know I did.
(Ted on phone)
Ted: Great. I'm gonna need you to call her for me.
(Barney on phone)
Barney: You know I won't.
(Ted on phone)
Ted: Why not?
Es un chiste,就是西班牙文的It is a joke!誰叫Barney要在店裡開那種玩笑呢XD
happen to 則是碰巧。

[INT. MACLAREN'S: Ted, Barney, Marshall, and Lily sit at booth]
Barney: Because we just hooked up last night. I can't call the girl the next day. I have to wait at least, like, forever. Oh snap. Never gonna call her. Besides, she thinks I'm on my way to India.
Lily: Oh, come on, Barney. It's for a good cause.
Barney: Ted going all castrati over another girl is exactly not a good cause. Sorry, buddy, I wish I could help you, my hands are tied. Oh no, wait, that was last night. (Barney makes whip sound)
Ted: OK, Barney, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. You make this call and I will go with you to Foxy Boxing.
Barney: Really?
Ted: Yeah.
Barney: But you always said that Foxy Boxing girls were neither foxy nor good at boxing.
Ted: I'm ready to be proven wrong.
Barney: Tonight?
Ted: Tonight. Dial.
Barney: (on phone) Yeah, Tanya, turns out I don't leave for the Peace Corps until tomorrow. Yeah, I know, sucks. Just one fewer day I get to help people. Anyway, this girl, any idea who she was? Hold on. (to Ted) What kind of shoes ... (on phone) Tanya, he's a dude. He's not gonna know what kind of shoes she was wearing.
Ted: Actually.
Barney: Oh come on.
hook up大家應該都知道就是和某人好上,不過也可以有結婚的意思哦!但為了清楚不產生歧義,還是盡量別用hook up去講自己結婚了吧XD


而foxy boxing是一種拳擊賽,選手是女生,通常穿著很露,因此大部份的人並不是為了看拳擊而去的XD Ted對foxy boxing的評語是:neither foxy nor good at boxing,挺有趣的XD
呃..這兒放張foxy boxing的照片,我盡力了!


Peace Corps上次已經談過了,這兒就不多提了哦:D




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