2015/02/08 [HIMYM劇本讀書會] 答案




因為Robin要中斷約會,科技男Kevin大喊了一句「Hab SoSlI' Quch!」這是一句Klingons語汙辱人的話。請問這句話如果直接翻成英文,是什麼意思?


請問HIMYM中很愛說的 “steak sauce” 是哪一牌的牛排醬?

Barney說的 “See you in two shakes, Mare.”,其實指的是做事情很快,快得像__尾巴搖兩次一樣。請問_____中的動物應該是?
它是從片語in two shakes (of a ____'s tail)來的

Barney曾說在Marshall單身派對上的stripper是個「15」,他是用black jack的術語來做譬喻,指她是個很尷尬的情況,不知道該不該下手。請問black jack遊戲中,莊家拿到幾點,才不需要補牌?

為了搶先某件事物,可以call dibs。而如果想要搶副駕駛座的位置,則需要喊什麼?

請問How I Met Your Mother播出以來,哪一集的收視率最高呢?
The Pineapple Incident 鳳梨事件
S09E2324 13.13
再來才是S01E10 12.27 (million)

你知道有各種髮型的英文嗎?馬尾是ponytail、髮髻是bun、pigtails是雙馬尾或辮子、貝克漢頭是faux hawk;那「瀏海」又怎麼說呢?


七個小矮人(Seven Dwarfs)中,Robin最害怕哪一個?
 萬事通 Doc,因為他明明是博士卻和六個礦工住在一起



2015/02/07 [HIMYM冷知識] 答案


現階段的問卷,看HIMYM學英文XD http://goo.gl/lhxzsG 

目前問卷已經不計分囉,但想玩的話還是可以來這兒 http://goo.gl/iUVyGD

Claudia and Stuart

在Game night中,Marshall規定說哪句話就得喝一杯?S01E15
Marshall: But if you roll an even number while adjacent to the Peppermint Forest, then you "Marshall out," and all your chips go into the pot, and remember, if you ever ask the question "What?", then... you got to drink. Got it?

HIMYM中有句很重要的話,叫做「Nothing good happens after ___?」S01E18
2 AM
Ted from 2030: Kids, your grandma always used to say to me, "Nothing good happens after 2:00 a.m.," and she was right. When 2:00 a.m. rolls around, just go home and go to sleep. Case in point:

Atlantic City的海岸邊的船上

Ted from 2030: And that's the story of how Uncle Marshall and Aunt Lily got married for 12 seconds somewhere off the coast of Atlantic City.

第一次Slap bet在第幾集?是由誰提出的?S02E09
S02E09 / Barney

Marshall: Robin is not in porn. I'll bet you anything that she's married.
Barney: 20,000 says it's porn.
Marshall: I don't have 20,000.
Barney: Well then, what do you have?
Marshall: Well. (Marshall looks at Lily)
Lily: No.
Barney: I got it. The ultimate wager. Slap bet.

Ted: Oh, slap bet. We used to do those when I was a kid.

 I'm gonna be

Natalie/Krav Maga

Barney: Well, those are my old gambling buddies. Truth is... I used to come here all the time. Play an old Chinese game called "Shing Hasabu Shing". Had a small gambling problem. Actually, it wasn't so small. I kind of lost my entire life's savings. But tonight, I don't know, I'm feeling hot. I think I can win us that money.

請問Slutty Pumpkin當初把電話抄在哪裡?S01E06


*他認為Carl是吸血鬼有幾個原因:wears black/ never see him in the daylight/ no item on the menu that has garlic in it

Crazy eyes的女孩Chloe最後做了什麼crazy thing?S02E07

Freeway theory中,哪個不是其中的階段?S02E12

*各階段為:six hours/four days/three weeks/seven months/a year and a half, 18 years/death
Barney : Watch your steps when you get up, kids, 'cause I am about to drop some knowledge. Relationships are like a freeway.
Marshall : Wait a minute, a month ago you told me relationships are like a traveling circus.
Barney : No, this is new. This trumps that. Freeways have exits. So do relationships. The first exit, my personal favorite, is six hours in. You meet, you talk, you have sex, you exit when she's in the shower.
Robin : So every girl you have sex with feels the immediate need to shower? Actually, yeah, I get that.
Barney : The next exits are four days, three weeks, seven months--that's when you guys are gonna break up, mark your calendars.
Ted : What?

Barney :Then a year and a half, 18 years, and the last exit-- death. Which, if you've been with the same woman for your entire life, it's like, "Are we there yet?"



在所有How I Met Your Mother角色裡,你最喜歡哪位角色? 
Ted/覺得很多方面和Ted很像,對某些事有莫名的執著,也特別有共鳴。I`m so Ted Mosby a jerk lol
Barney/Wait for
Barney/Barney Stinson is awesome
Barney/cuz he is legendary~~
Barney/"臉部表情豐富 動作跨張 討喜"
Robin/"崩壞時高八度講話很好笑,這個反應總戳我笑點,而且又正講話也好聽XD (但PTT好像很多人不愛她高八度講話QQ)"



  • Atlantic City
  • slap bet (註:首次於S02E09,再來為:S02E16、S03E09、S05E09、S07E09、S09E14、S09E22)

  • Pineapple Incident (註:S01E10,鳳梨事件)
  • S1.EP22  (註:祈雨舞追到Robin、M和L分手)

  • Robin Sparkle (註:S02E09首次出現)
  • Superball (註:Super Bowl,S02E14)
  • super bowl(註:同上,S02E14)
  • S2E14 Monday Night Football 
  • s2 ep16 (註:Robin吃醋Ted總是留著前女友的東西)
  • Marshall`s Fiero (註:S02E17)
  • The Price is Right (註:S02E20,Barney去參加節目,以為主持人是他親生父親)

  • s04e23 (註:Tony因為搶走Stella而要給Ted工作;Barney想要試他的魅力能否不被開罰單)
  • 某季最後一集, 一群人從頂樓跳到另一棟樓 (註:S04E24)
  • The Leap (註:同上,S04E24)

  • Perfect Week (註:S05E14,Barney要一連七天把七個妹XD)

  • Unfinished (註:S06E03,因為Ted不設計大樓,所以Barney用泡妞方式對他XD)
  • Subway wars (註:S06E04 每個人用不同的方式,在紐約抵達同一地點XD)
  • Marshall 爸爸過世那集 (註:S06E13,有名的數字倒數一集)
  • S06E19 (註:Barney見親生父親那集)

  • S08E20 The Time Travelers.

  • 最後一集 

2015/02/06 [Have you met....Barney] 答案


http://goo.gl/iUVyGD HIMYM冷知識:3
http://goo.gl/lhxzsG  HIMYM學英文
歡迎來玩哦:D 快要結束啦~
Barney的題目在這,雖然不計分的還是可以來玩哦:D  http://goo.gl/fm1PsT

" Behind a curtain, in a dark little room, secretly controlling your every move..."
A:A little Barney

Ted: Oh great, here comes the 'little Barney' speech.
Barney: Behind a curtain, in a dark little room, secretly controlling your every move...
Ted, Marshall: A little Barney.

Barney: A little Barney. And you know what he said? (changing tone of voice) "Ted, you will bring no dates to this wedding. You will hit on drunk bridesmaids with actual-size Barney."

當大家集思廣益要幫Ted找理由和Natalie分手時,Barney認為six words就能解決問題。請問是哪六個單字?S01E04
 You look fat in those jeans.

Marshall: No, no. We’re going to get you out of this. Okay, how about... “It’s not you it’s me” ?

Barney: Mm... Mm ! Six words ! You... look... fat... in... those... jeans..., you’re free to go.

在Barney辦公室牆上的motivational posters中,企鵝的那幅是什麼?S01E17


Marshall: Barney, how do I get these idiots to leave me alone?
Barney: Marshall, consider the penguins.
Marshall: The penguins?
Barney: On the wall.
Marshall: "Conformity. It's the one who's different that gets left out in the cold." This is a motivational poster?

Barney: Look at yourself, Marshall. You're not happy. And you know why? Because you're different. Now, I suppose you could learn to love yourself for the unique little snowflake that you are, or... you could change your entire personality, which is just so much easier.

Barney在Ted 28歲生日會上送了他什麼?S01E21

Ted: Come on, Marshall, it's the greatest pickup line of all time. Barney.
Marshall: Oy, gevalt.

Barney: Ah... Happy birthday, Ted.

Barney曾和哪個主角同居過?未交往的情況下 S02E05

Barney被有Crazy eyes的女孩叫成什麼,讓他很生氣?S02E07

A:Dirty Dancing (熱舞17)


Slap bet當天/Barney的舞台show

*兩個答案都可以算,因為slap bet那集其實就被打過巴掌了XD

The Price is Right
Robin: Barney, I didn't know you were such a fan of The Price is Right.

Barney: Are you kidding? T.P.I.R. is not just an indescribably entertaining hour of television, it's a microcosm of our entire economic system-- a capitalist utopia, where consumers are rewarded for their persistence, market acumen and intrepid spirit. I gaze upon the glory of The Price Is Right, and I see the face of America. And it is divine. Plus, you know, hot chicks on sports cars.


Pr Lewis: Mr. Eriksen. Hello. I graded your paper tonight. I was pleasantly surprised.
Barney: Yeah, she was.
Pr Lewis: B plus.

Barney: B-plus?! Marshall, after I've gone through my eight weeks of physical therapy, I am going to get you that "A"!

Barney在Game night中提及了他的悲傷往事。請問當時甩了清純Barney的女生叫什麼名字?S01E15

Barney的”Get Psyched mix”中,第一首是什麼?S01E11
Bon Jovi的"You Give Love A Bad Name"

Barney和Ted打賭,如果他能夠用某句pickup lines要到電話,Ted就得乾杯。請問那句話是?後來導致Pineapple Accident事件  S01E10
Daddy's Home

Ted: Yeah, and say what? What's our big opening line?
Barney: Daddy's home.
Ted: Daddy's home?
Barney: Yeah.

Ted: You want us to go over there right now and say to those girls, 'daddy's home.' Really think about that, Barney.

Foxy boxing

Ted: OK, Barney, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. You make this call and I will go with you to Foxy Boxing.
Barney: Really?
Ted: Yeah.
Barney: But you always said that Foxy Boxing girls were neither foxy nor good at boxing.
Ted: I'm ready to be proven wrong.
Barney: Tonight?

Ted: Tonight. Dial.


  • Have ~ you met Ted?還有他和爸爸的重逢
  • Challenge accepted
  • Awesome
  • It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DARY!
  • playbook上的robin篇
  • """Change accepted!!!""""
  • “Daddy’s home~~”
  • ""Legend~~~wait-for-it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dary!!!"""
  • HIMYM is AWESOME!!!~~~the best comedy ever!!! "true story"
  • it's going to be legen... wait for it ...dary!!!!
  • Challenge Accepted!
  • legendary

Barney的catch phrase實在太多啦XDDDD

2015/02/08 [HIMYM劇本討論]

2015/02/08 00:00 – 02/09 17:00

1. 於粉絲團及當日活動訊息按讚;
2. 登入測驗卷並回答問題。



2015/02/07 [HIMYM冷知識]

2015/02/07 00:00 – 02/08 17:00

1. 於粉絲團及當日活動訊息按讚;
2. 登入測驗卷並回答問題。

另外,昨日Have… You Met Barney的遊戲將於明日公佈成績,謝謝各位:D


2015/02/05 [Have you met....Lily] 答案

Lily篇的問卷在這裡,http://goo.gl/FLWbGq ,雖然不計分了但還是可以來玩哦:D


Marshall: Calm down, I have a plan. I told my friend, Sudeep, about it. He wants to show it to the Columbia biology department. But it has to be alive.

Lily: Wait, no no. They'll do lab experiments on it. That's so mean. Shouldn't we just beat it to death with a bat?


Marshall: Ted, do you remember in college when Lily did that summer art program in Paris?
Ted: Yeah.

Marshall: Well, she kept talking about this cheesy French guy, Gabriel. So, I went out to visit, and there was this party. And who shows up but Gabriel. And he's got this weak-ass, thin French moustache. I'm not much of a fighter, but I knew I could take this weird little dude. So, I took him aside, and I got all creepy quiet, I got the crazy eyes going, and I said, "You stay away from Lily, or I swear to God I'll eat that moustache right off of your ugly French face." Yeah. Yeah, he literally ran away. I think he was crying. I never told Lily about it. To be honest, I'm not very proud of it. To be even more honest, I am.


Robin: Dammit! OK, so how do we get the truth out of her?

Ted: Tequila. It's her weakness. Three shots, she tells you the truth about anything.



Ted: Hey, thanks for telling me to stand up to Druthers and pitch my idea. Seriously, none of this would have happened if it weren't for you.

Lily: Oh. You know what, Ted? That was very nice. You have earned these screws back. Don't sit in your desk chair until you've put them back in.

Lily畫了Barney的裸體畫最後得到多少報酬?S02E13 (Barney加碼後;))

Marshall : It's over! (he closes the door at Barney’s face).  (Yelling) Lily, I can't let you go through with this! (whispering) I found a castle we can stay in, but it's an extra two grand. (Yelling) It's just not right! (whispering). It's beautiful and they say it's haunted. (Yelling) I can't let the woman I love compromise her values for money! (whispering) I totally think we can get some more money out of him. (Yelling) I'm never letting my fiancee, ever...! (he opens the door) Oh, you're still here?

Barney : Before you say anything, I'll give you an extra five grand.


Lily : Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Barney : What's wrong with her?
Marshall : She hates that word.
Barney : What word, "moist"?

Lily : No! Seriously, stop!

Lily的Wedding vows中,她說為什麼她愛Marshall?S02E21

Lily : My turn. Oh, thank you. Marshall, I love you because you're funny and you make me feel loved and you make me feel safe and for our anniversary you gave me a sweatshirt that says, "Lily and Marshall. Rockin' It Since '96." I kinda wish I was wearing it right now 'cause it smells like you. But the main reason I love you, Marshall Ericksen, is you make me happy. You make me happy all the time.

在Nothing good happens after 2 AM那集,請問Lily揍了誰?S01E18
Korean Elvis (韓國貓王)

Korean Elvis: Hey, I know what you like.
Ted from 2030: And so, Barney was right-- the night was legendary. It would come to be known as The Time Lily Kicked Korean Elvis in the Nards.

Barney: Hey, you guys remember the time that Lily kicked Korean Elvis in the Nards?

Lily在game night講的最丟臉的事是什麼?

Lily小時候很想要Easy Bake Oven,但他父母卻給他什麼?S02E11

Lily : When I was a kid, all I wanted was an Easy Bake Oven. I begged and I begged, but all I got was a stupid Lego set because my feminist mom didn't want me conforming to traditional gender roles.

Ted : Easy Bake Oven--that's what I'm going to call my van.


[Flashback. 1996. In Marshall and Ted’s college room. Marshall and lily are kissing.]
Lily : Oh, wait, wait. Look... I really want to do this, but... we should make it special, you know? Do this right.
Marshall : Okay. You're right. Maybe we could go to the beach and get a house for the weekend.
Lily : Yeah, New Year's Eve.
Marshall : Okay.
Lily : Oh, and we'll light candles and maybe put on some classical music.
Marshall : That's not a good idea.
Lily : Why not?
Marshall : Long story. But maybe we could put on some Al Green and take a bubble bath together.

Lily : Oh, yeah, that sounds so good. Oh, I love you, Marshall. I'm so glad we're waiting. (12 minutes later) : Oops.

Lily怎麼知道Super bowl的比分的?S02E14

[Lily’s closing the classroom and Marshall’s drinking at a fountain when the cleaner walks there with his radio.]

Lily在New Years Eve中間曾經一度跑回家,為什麼?S01E11

Lily: I can't stay in these heels any longer, I just can't. There's a cab over there. I'll just run back to the apartment and change shoes.

當Marshall向Lily表示其實自己很愛吃橄欖而打破了Olive theory時,Lily的反應是?S01E01
We’ll make it work. (They kiss.)


  • "「It's a mistake.Okay,yes,it's a mistake. I know it's a mistake.But there are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake because the only way to really know it's a mistake is to make the mistake, and look back,and say, ""yep.That was a mistake."" So,really,the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake, because then you go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not.」"
  • You son of a bitch.(+皺眉)(+死亡瞪)
  • 說謊的時候太明顯XD
  • Know how to manipulate people!
  • "Okay, yes, it’s a mistake. I know it’s a mistake. But there are certain things in life where you know it’s a mistake but you don’t really know it’s a mistake because the only way to really know it’s a mistake is to make the mistake, and look back, and say, “Yep. That was a mistake.” So, really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake, because then you go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not."
  • Lily為了家庭,犧牲她的夢想(這好像是後面的劇情,可以在這邊講嗎= =)
  • YOU, SON OF A BITCH! (Lily's catchphrase)

  • 欸好多人不約而同的說出一樣的答案XD
    而且也對Lily的You, son of bitch印象超深XDDDDD


    2015/02/06 00:00 – 02/07 17:00


    今天的主題是超令人期待的:HAVE… YOU MET BARNEY?
    1. 於粉絲團及當日活動訊息按讚;
    2. 登入測驗卷並回答問題。
    另外,昨日Have… You Met Lily的遊戲將於明日公佈成績,謝謝各位:D


    2015/02/04 [Have you met....Marshall] 答案



    Future Ted VO: A very big welcome. You see, at 6'4", Marshall was the runt of the Ericksen clan.

    Marshall在game night創造的遊戲叫什麼?(S01E15)
    Marshall: It's called "Marsh-gammon." It combines all the best features of all the best games... Candy Land, I Never, Pictionary.

    Life Among the Gorillas

    Lily: Change your personality? That is so awful, and not at all motivational.

    Marshall: Not necessarily. Okay, at first, I was appalled, but then I realized it's just like Dr. Aurelia Birnholz-Vasquez in Life Among the Gorillas. I have to gain the acceptance of the herd by behaving exactly like one of them. It's an anthropological study. Isn't that cool?


    因為他會怕Sasquatch(大腳怪, big foot)

    Barney: Do you know about the time the Marshall was in Trenton?
    Lily: Doggie ate his pants. Yep.
    Barney: Bill's bachelor party in Memphis.
    Lily: Oh, when they had to pump out all the nickels from his stomach?
    Barney: OK, Seattle.
    Lily: Trick question, Marshall's never been to the Pacific Northwest because he's afraid of Sasquatch.
    Barney: Damn.

    Marshall: I'm not afraid of Sasquatch. I just think we should all be on alert.

    Rose/Stool/Naked Marshall


    Marshall被小孩子要脅要告知他Super bowl的比分,他最後不得已怎麼處理?(S02E14)

    [Marshall takes a glass of water and throwns it on Doug’s pants.]
    Marshall : Oh, no. Somebody wet their pants.
    Doug : No, I didn't.

    Marshall : Oh, really? Who's everyone gonna believe? I'm a grownup third-year law student at Columbia and you're just a little pants wetter. So now I ask you a question: You want to be able to quietly sneak off to the restroom and dry off or am I gonna have something for show and tell today? Hey, everyone...


    Marshall: I promised Ted we wouldn’t do that.
    Lily: Did you know there’s a pop tart under your fridge?
    Marshall: No, but dibs. Where’s that champagne? I wanna drink a toast with my fiancée.
    Lily: aww (claps. They kiss)
    Marshall: I don’t know why I was so scared of this. Pretty easy right? (Pops cork, hit’s Lily’s eye)
    Lily: (YELLS)

    Marshall: (covers mouth) OH!


    Marshall的best man是?(S02E19)
    Ted and Barney

    Barney: Real... In your face, loser!
    Marshall : Take it easy, all right. Ted's still my best man, too. You guys are co-best men.

    Barney: Right. Yes, we're both best man.

    Night-night song


    [In Marshall’s room…]
    Ted : Okay, we have a bit of a situation. Let's not panic. Let's just find a solution. (Marshall takes a razor and shaves the middle of his hair) Dude, you shaved your freakin' head.)

    Marshall : Yeah, yeah, but it's good. I ought to shave it all off. What a great solution. Just be bald 'cause it's cool, right? Bruce Willis, Michael Jordan, Britney Spears... Oh, God, what did I do?! How could you let me shave my head?!


    Marshall: This is so great! We can finally do all the things we always said we wanted to do if we lived alone.
    Lily: Oh, I know what I want to start with.

    (They’re both sitting in the couch, naked…)


    No food or drinks in the Fiero, not even groceries.

    Ted: And that is the origin of Marshall's insane "no food or drinks in the Fiero, not even groceries" rule.

    Marshall: It is not insane.


    Marshall: Damn! I got these tickets like months ago for me and Lily and now I can't find anyone to go with me. This is what I miss about being in a couple. I always had someone to go to concerts with, or farmer's market, or brunch. God, I miss brunch!
    Ted: Well, I guess you could - well, you could try going to brunch alone.
    Marshall: Oh, you don't think I've tried?
    Marshall: Table for one.
    Head waiter: One... Couple?
    Marshall: Um, no, just me.
    Head waiter: Really? For brunch?

    Marshall: You're right. Who am I kidding?


    [Barney's office]

    Marshall: So all we need is one large shipping box and 100 white mice.

    A pineapple

    Ted: Was there anyone else in there with me?
    (Lily and Marshall get up and run over to Ted's bedroom door, Ted limps behind them, Lily opens door and she and Marshall peek in room to see girl lying on bed, Lily closes the door)
    Lily: There's a girl in there.
    Ted: I know.

    Marshall: And a pineapple.


  • Lawyerwd!
  • Marshall父親逝世那幾集他的體悟
  • She's never seen Star Wars? Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the characters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived them Ted, that's cause they lived the Star Wars.
  • You Just Got Slapped 之歌XD
  • "剃光頭!!!
  • 結婚那集好感人~~"

  • 語言學知識型Podcast:《語言好好玩》

    今天在寫ARG文時才發現網誌好久沒更新了XD 最近的新動態是在「 鏡文化 」開Podcast節目,《語言好好玩》,自己推薦大家來聽XD 是一個語言學的科普節目,用生活化的例子來談些語言學的知識,歡迎大家收聽 <3 自寫稿自錄自繪圖,產業一條龍XDDD 也歡...