2015/02/02 [Have you met....Ted] 答案

各位好,感謝大家踴躍參加這系列的第一個活動:[HAVE...YOU MET TED?]


Q:Ted和Robin第一次約會時說了某句話而嚇到了Robin。請問那句話是? ( S02E02)
A:I think I'm in love with you.

Robin: I think I like your “Olive Theory”.
Ted: I think I like your French Horn.
Robin: I think I like your nose.
Ted: I think I’m in love with you.

Q:Ted曾經找到一枚硬幣而感到很開心,請問是哪一年的? (S02E02

A:因為Robin說Field of dreams是一部爛電影

(At MacLaren's, Marshall and Barney make a face.)
Ted: So that's your go-to bad movie? The number one example on the tip of your tongue of a bad movie is Field of Dreams?
Robin: It's about ghost baseball players. I think it's stupid.
Robin: So, now he's all mad at me about the stupid movie.
Lily: Robin, he's upset because you wouldn't listen to him, not because you didn't like some movie.
[At MacLaren's.]

Ted: How do you not like Field of Dreams?!


Ted: How quickly you all forget. I haven't puked since high school. I am vomit-free since ninety-three. Vomit free since ninety-three. That's funny. I'm funny.

Q:Ted是dog person還是cat person?(S01E16
A:Dog Person

Ted: Look, she can't be a cat person. I'm a dog person, I'm attracted to other dog people.
Barney: Are you sure?

Ted: All right. (He calls Victoria)

A:Luke & Leia

Lily: Ever. Swear. Swear on the lives of your unborn boy and girl.
Ted: I swear on Luke and Leia.

Lily: About a month ago, I started getting insomnia. Marrying Marshall had been all I wanted for a long time. But, now that it was really happening, it seemed kind of huge and scary.


Ted (voix dans le répondeur) : Hey, Marshall. Are you lying on the couch right now moping about Lily? You are, aren't you? Well, stop it. She's not worth it. You gotta get over that Grinch.
Ted (voix off) : But I didn't say "Grinch." I said a bad word. A very, very bad word.
Ted : Oh, fudge.
Ted (voix off) : But I didn't say fudge.

Q:Ted為了不要先知道Super Bowl的比分,而拿出了他的什麼發明?(S02E14
A:Sensory Deprivator 5000

Ted : Ah, don't worry. I got it all planned out. First of all: I placed duct tape on a pair of sunglasses so I can only see out of two tiny holes. Next, I constructed blinders out of an old cereal box. Top it all off: high-tech noise-reducing headphones I bought when Marshall and Lily first got back together and were doing it a lot. I call it the Sensory Deprivator 5000.

Q:Ted的Empire State Building fun fact number one是?(S02E12
A:When construction began on March 17, 1930, the framework rose at a rate of four and a half stories per week.

Ted : You guys are lucky you came here with an architect. Empire State Building fun fact number one: When construction began on March 17, 1930, the framework rose at a rate of four and a half stories per week. Four and a half stories per week. Four and a half stories per week. There it is. There it is. Come on. These are fun facts, guys, let's have fun with them.

A:Pot lids and sword

Ted: I can't believe this! Everything I own in the world is in there. Except for this box of pot lids.

Marshall: And the sword.

A:Jumped a subway turnstile

Ted : Normally, I'm incredibly responsible. I just had to go to court this morning and get sentenced. Not that I'm a criminal or anything.

Robin : Yeah, he just jumped a subway turnstile.


Ted: Well, you're gonna need to get in touch with her. She's gonna teach me how to do a rain dance.
Barney: Did you just say a "rain dance"?
Ted: Yes.
Barney: A rain dance.
Ted: Yes.
Barney: A dance to make it rain.

Ted: Yes. (Barney slaps him once again and Ted slaps him back. Barney tries again to slaps Ted but he stops him) We're finding Penelope!


Future Ted VO: And me making the coffee. I had this coffeepot that was probably 50 years old at that time, and it made truly terrible coffee. We called it Shocky

Q:Ted教了Marshall什麼car game?(S02E17
A:Zitch Dog

Ted : That was probably our best one. Hey, you want to play Zitch Dog?
Marshall : What?
Ted : Uh, it's a car game. Every time you see a dog, you got to be the first one to say, "Zitch dog." I'm pretty good, so...

Marshall : Zitch dog.


Ted from 2030: Kids, the thing about New Year's Eve is that it sucks. Sure, it looks great on TV, but in reality, it's always just a big let-down, but in 2005, I attempted to do the impossible, to give my friends a great New Year's Eve. I had an idea of how to do it, too. And all it cost was half my Christmas bonus.



  • The Pineapple incident!
  • "Well eventually, over time, we all become our own doppelgangers. These completely different people who just happen to look like us."
  • 超級喜歡他單純的個性跟the one的想法!!!!
  • Have…you met TED?
  • Ted在某一年的Christmas 為了 cheer up Robin 做了燈泡展示(?) 就一堆燈泡配合音樂閃來閃去這樣
  • He always tries to be nice.
  • 一時想不起來QQ


這次的題目好像出的太難了,接下來的題目會好好改進的orz So sorry!!!




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