2015/02/06 [Have you met....Barney] 答案


http://goo.gl/iUVyGD HIMYM冷知識:3
http://goo.gl/lhxzsG  HIMYM學英文
歡迎來玩哦:D 快要結束啦~
Barney的題目在這,雖然不計分的還是可以來玩哦:D  http://goo.gl/fm1PsT

" Behind a curtain, in a dark little room, secretly controlling your every move..."
A:A little Barney

Ted: Oh great, here comes the 'little Barney' speech.
Barney: Behind a curtain, in a dark little room, secretly controlling your every move...
Ted, Marshall: A little Barney.

Barney: A little Barney. And you know what he said? (changing tone of voice) "Ted, you will bring no dates to this wedding. You will hit on drunk bridesmaids with actual-size Barney."

當大家集思廣益要幫Ted找理由和Natalie分手時,Barney認為six words就能解決問題。請問是哪六個單字?S01E04
 You look fat in those jeans.

Marshall: No, no. We’re going to get you out of this. Okay, how about... “It’s not you it’s me” ?

Barney: Mm... Mm ! Six words ! You... look... fat... in... those... jeans..., you’re free to go.

在Barney辦公室牆上的motivational posters中,企鵝的那幅是什麼?S01E17


Marshall: Barney, how do I get these idiots to leave me alone?
Barney: Marshall, consider the penguins.
Marshall: The penguins?
Barney: On the wall.
Marshall: "Conformity. It's the one who's different that gets left out in the cold." This is a motivational poster?

Barney: Look at yourself, Marshall. You're not happy. And you know why? Because you're different. Now, I suppose you could learn to love yourself for the unique little snowflake that you are, or... you could change your entire personality, which is just so much easier.

Barney在Ted 28歲生日會上送了他什麼?S01E21

Ted: Come on, Marshall, it's the greatest pickup line of all time. Barney.
Marshall: Oy, gevalt.

Barney: Ah... Happy birthday, Ted.

Barney曾和哪個主角同居過?未交往的情況下 S02E05

Barney被有Crazy eyes的女孩叫成什麼,讓他很生氣?S02E07

A:Dirty Dancing (熱舞17)


Slap bet當天/Barney的舞台show

*兩個答案都可以算,因為slap bet那集其實就被打過巴掌了XD

The Price is Right
Robin: Barney, I didn't know you were such a fan of The Price is Right.

Barney: Are you kidding? T.P.I.R. is not just an indescribably entertaining hour of television, it's a microcosm of our entire economic system-- a capitalist utopia, where consumers are rewarded for their persistence, market acumen and intrepid spirit. I gaze upon the glory of The Price Is Right, and I see the face of America. And it is divine. Plus, you know, hot chicks on sports cars.


Pr Lewis: Mr. Eriksen. Hello. I graded your paper tonight. I was pleasantly surprised.
Barney: Yeah, she was.
Pr Lewis: B plus.

Barney: B-plus?! Marshall, after I've gone through my eight weeks of physical therapy, I am going to get you that "A"!

Barney在Game night中提及了他的悲傷往事。請問當時甩了清純Barney的女生叫什麼名字?S01E15

Barney的”Get Psyched mix”中,第一首是什麼?S01E11
Bon Jovi的"You Give Love A Bad Name"

Barney和Ted打賭,如果他能夠用某句pickup lines要到電話,Ted就得乾杯。請問那句話是?後來導致Pineapple Accident事件  S01E10
Daddy's Home

Ted: Yeah, and say what? What's our big opening line?
Barney: Daddy's home.
Ted: Daddy's home?
Barney: Yeah.

Ted: You want us to go over there right now and say to those girls, 'daddy's home.' Really think about that, Barney.

Foxy boxing

Ted: OK, Barney, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. You make this call and I will go with you to Foxy Boxing.
Barney: Really?
Ted: Yeah.
Barney: But you always said that Foxy Boxing girls were neither foxy nor good at boxing.
Ted: I'm ready to be proven wrong.
Barney: Tonight?

Ted: Tonight. Dial.


  • Have ~ you met Ted?還有他和爸爸的重逢
  • Challenge accepted
  • Awesome
  • It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DARY!
  • playbook上的robin篇
  • """Change accepted!!!""""
  • “Daddy’s home~~”
  • ""Legend~~~wait-for-it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dary!!!"""
  • HIMYM is AWESOME!!!~~~the best comedy ever!!! "true story"
  • it's going to be legen... wait for it ...dary!!!!
  • Challenge Accepted!
  • legendary

Barney的catch phrase實在太多啦XDDDD




今天在寫ARG文時才發現網誌好久沒更新了XD 最近的新動態是在「 鏡文化 」開Podcast節目,《語言好好玩》,自己推薦大家來聽XD 是一個語言學的科普節目,用生活化的例子來談些語言學的知識,歡迎大家收聽 <3 自寫稿自錄自繪圖,產業一條龍XDDD 也歡...