2013/12/28 [HAVE...YOU MET BARNEY?]解答

為了慶祝HIMYM讀書會進行十集,及應景慶祝2013聖誕節,開始一連七天的活動,今天的主題是:HAVE… YOU MET BARNEY?

About Barney Stinson

l   QBarney第一次遇見Ted的時候,教了他三件事情,請問順序是?(S01E01
ALose the goatee, get a suit, don’t even think about getting married till you’re thirty.
Barney: Ted, I’m going to teach you how to live. (Ted’s shocked) Barney, we met at the urinal.
Ted: Oh, right. Hi.
Barney: Lesson one, lose the goatee. It doesn’t look good with your suit.

l   QTedRobin舉辦了三次party。第一次Party時,Barney帶了一個女生去了Ted心目中的約會聖地,請問是哪裡?(S01E02
AThe roof.
Barney: Your loss, her gain. (To Tatiana) Excuse me, can I show you the roof? It’s magical up there!
Tatiana: Sure (Smiles)
Ted: Whoa-whoa—Hey hey. I got that roof reserved!

l   QBarney常常裝成國際商人到機場泡妞,他的行李廂除了”a whole bunch of condoms”外還放了什麼東西?(S01E03
Apower bar
Bomb Squad Guy: They’re clean. It’s just a whole bunch of condoms… and a power bar.

l   Q:當大家集思廣益要幫Ted找理由和Natalie分手時,Barney認為six words就能解決問題。請問是哪六個單字?(S01E04
AYou look fat in those jeans.
Marshall: No, no. We’re going to get you out of this. Okay, how about... “It’s not you it’s me” ?
Barney: Mm... Mm ! Six words ! You... look... fat... in... those... jeans..., you’re free to go.

l   Q:在Okay bar中,Barney和一位女生熱舞很久,沒想到那位女生居然是他的誰?(S01E05
ACousin Leslie
Ted: What ? What happened to that, uh, cutlet you were grinding with ?
Barney: That was my cousin, Leslie.

l   QBarneyHalloween party上換了幾套衣服?(S01E06
A3flight suit, devilpenguin
Barney: No, no, not again. Not this year. You're going as my wingman. Flight suit up!
[EXT. ROOFTOP: Ted notices Barney at party wearing devil costume]
(Penguin removes head to reveal Barney)
Barney: You are such a loser. Come on, I came back for you, Ted. I penguin-suited up to show you the error of your ways. And to score hula girl's number. Check and check.

l   QBarneyLove Solutions公司時用的假名為?(S01E07
AJack Package/or Pa-kojj
Ellen: You're cute. You're an architect. Good career and you didn't use an obvious alias on your application like your friend, Jack Package.
Barney (through office door): It's pronounced 'Pa-kojj.'

l   QBarney為了從約會中先逃走,請Ted打電話給他;後來Robin接手。請問他們的對話中,Barney假裝與誰對話?而誰因為自己製造直昇機而送到醫院?(S01E08
AAunt Kathy/Uncle Rudy
Barney: Hello, Aunt Kathy, what's up?
Robin: Oh, nothing. Just sitting here, thinking about you, hot stuff.
Barney: An accident? Well, is Uncle Rudy gonna be OK?
Robin: Aunt Kathy's got an itch that only you can scratch, big boy.
Barney: Oh God! Why did he think he could build his own helicopter?
Robin: Come on, daddy, break me off a piece of that white chocolate.
Barney: Well, if he needs a transplant, he can have mine. I'll be right there.
(Barney stammers and gets up to leave, walks by Ted and Robin's booth)

l   QThanksgivingTed他們到了homeless shelter去當志工。當TedRobinBarney讓他們去幫忙較高難度的工作時,Barney用什麼話反諷他們?(S01E09
AHello, NFL, can I be quarterback this Sunday? Dude.
Ted: Hey, Barn? What do you say you let us sub in for you, scoop stuffing for a little bit?
Barney: (laughs) You wanna scoop stuffing your first day out? Hello, NFL, can I be quarterback this Sunday? Dude. (Barney walks away)

l   QBarneyTed打賭,如果他能夠用某句pickup lines要到電話,Ted就得乾杯。請問那句話是?(S01E10
ADaddy’s home
Ted: Yeah, and say what? What's our big opening line?
Barney: Daddy's home.
Ted: Daddy's home?
Barney: Yeah.

Ted: You want us to go over there right now and say to those girls, 'daddy's home.' Really think about that, Barney.




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