How I Met Your Mother S01E02 - Purple Giraffe小筆記

Robin: Hey!
Lily: Look who I ran into!
Ted: Since when do you guys know each other?
Robin: Uh… since about (points to glass) here. Lily recognized me from the news and—(Lily and Marshall kiss) Hello, Sailor!
Ted: They just got engaged.
「Hello, Sailor!」有幾個意思

Robin走後,Ted講到Robin,結果Lily「squeak」(吱吱叫、哇哇叫)了一聲。Ted發現怪怪的,就叫Lily快點說(spill it! [spill:洩漏])
Lily: But that’s part of his charm.
Robin: Oh, totally. I mean, he’s sweet, he’s charming, he’s just looking for something a little bit more serious than I am. I mean the most I can handle right now is something casual. This just stays between us, right?
Lily: Are you kidding? This flapper—Fort Knox.
「This flapper—Fort Knox.」是一個譬喻(metaphor),是Lily用來宣誓自己口風超緊的意思。
「Fort Knox」是美國的諾克斯堡,是美國用來藏金塊的地方,因此戒備超級森嚴。
Lily就是說自己的嘴像Fort Knox一樣超緊!

Fort Knox也可以這樣用:
Our office has so much security, it’s like Fort Knox.

Lily: (shy) Oops…
Ted: She wants casual. Okay, I’ll be casual. I’m gonna be a mushroom cloud of casual. You know why? Cause it’s a game! I wanted to skip to the end and do the “happily ever after” thing but you don’t get there unless you play the game.
Marshall: So’re you gonna ask her out?
Ted: Yeah—No! I can’t ask her out, because if I ask her out I’m asking her out. So how do I ask her out, without asking her out? (thinks)
mushroom cloud明顯就是指核彈後的蘑菇雲。
也有是solution to world's any problem的意思(其實有點瘋刺啦哈…);更有因為「形狀」所以很像男性的生殖器…

另外happily ever after也就是我們說的「公主與王子過著幸福美滿的日子」!

Robin: And on the pursuit of a stuffed purple giraffe. (Ted appears behind her, leaves nervously) From Metro News One, I’m Robin Scherbatsky. (News report ends)
(Ted re-enters running)
Cameraman: We’re clear
Robin: (To cameraman) Thanks. (Notices Ted) Ted?
Ted: (Turns around nonchalant) Robin, wow! What are the odds?
「in pursuit of」即是追求,
而Ted最後一句「What are the odds」則用在很訝異的時候,指這種事發生odds(機率)應該很低

(Marshall and Lily in bed after sex)
(Phone rings, Marshall answers)
Marshall: Hello?
Ted: (on Phone) hey, am I interrupting anything? (Holding party mixes)
Marshall: No, no I’m just writing my paper. Hitting the books.
Ted: (on Phone) Yeah, well you and Lily might wanna put some clothes on. We’re throwing a party in two hours. Okay, bye (hangs up)
party mixes是一種party用的餅乾,由mix就可以看出是由多種餅乾混合的包裝。
hit the books呢,就是讀書,很適合學生用的簡單片語哦:D

Ted: Hi.
Tatiana: Hi.
Barney: Do you know Marshall? Lily?
Tatiana: No. (smiles)
Barney: Hmm, do you know anyone at this party?
Tatiana: I work with Carlos.
Barney: Excuse me, (to group) Anyone know a Carlos?
Ted: No.
Lily: No.
Barney: On a silver platter! Bon appetit!
Ted: I don’t think so.
Barney: Your loss, her gain. (To Tatiana) Excuse me, can I show you the roof? It’s magical up there!
Tatiana: Sure (Smiles)
On a silver platter,指的是用銀盤子盛裝食物,其實就是有種不勞而獲的意思,不用付出就可以得到成果。

而bon appetit是一句法文,順著上面的那句,沿用食物的譬喻。
bon在法文指「好」的意思,如bon voyage就是:祝您有個美好的旅程

Robin: (On Phone) Robin.
Ted: Oh, Robin! Hey, yeah, guess you never showed up did you?
Robin: (on Phone) no I got stuck at work, but they finally got that kid out of the crane machine.
Ted: Did he get to keep the purple giraffe?
Robin: (on Phone) Yeah, they let him keep all the toys. He was in there a long time and little kids have smaller bladders.

Narrator: She didn’t show up.
Marshall: Alright, we threw two parties. Everybody had fun. Everybody wanged, everybody chunged. Now the kid has got to get to work, and the kid is not to be disturbed. Repeat after me, “I will not have sex with Marshall”.
Lily and Ted: I will not have sex with Marshall.
Marshall所說的:"Everybody had fun. Everybody wanged, everybody chunged"
其實來自一個英國團體Wang Chung(本來命名為黃鐘Huang Chung,但對外國人太難唸了)一首非常有名的歌「Everybody Have Fun Tonight」。
這首歌的歌詞也被大家改編,由「Everybody have fun tonight / Everybody Wang Chung tonight」變成「Everybody have sex tonight / Everybody throw up tonight」。
後來美國人就用這首歌來指:Going out and having fun, in a vague, undefined kind of way。(但因為年代太久遠了,很多人也不知道它的來歷了)



Robin: (On Phone) It’s Robin.
Ted: Oh, Robin—(laughs)—Hi.
Robin: (On Phone) I totally wanted to come; I got stuck at work again. I feel like I live there. I’m sorry I missed your party…again.
Ted: Hey, ain’t no thing but a chicken wing mamacita. (To Lily and Marshall) WHO AM I?
「ain’t no thing but a chicken wing」是一句有押韻的句。
其實是指「no big deal」或是「no problem」、「don't worry about it」的意思。
因為chicken wing-雞的翅膀因為不能飛,相對而言就不重要。
Dave: Man I can't beleive I have to work on Saturday.
Steve: Hey man, it ain't no thing but a chicken wing.

3 則留言:

  1. 哇!剛好再看這個學英文!!謝謝您的分享!!

  2. 這集真的很多沒見過的片語...
    anyway, 謝謝分享!



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