How I Met Your Mother S01E22 - Come On 小筆記

Weather man: And so tropical storm Willy is going to be with us at least until Monday. It's gonna rain cats and dogs, folks. So don't step in a poodle. Sandy? Robin?
Robin: Thanks, Lou. Boy, too bad. Our big Metro News One camping trip was going to be this weekend.
Sandy: Yeah, but camping out in the rain? No fun. Muddy. Yuck.
Robin: Guess we'll have to take a rain check.
Sandy: And we'll check in with you tomorrow, New York.
Robin: Have a great night.
Man: And, we're clear.
Sandy: Bummer. I was hoping to finally have sex with you this weekend, Scherbotsky.
Robin: Well, I'd give you the "I don't date coworkers" speech again, but, God, you must have that sum'bitch memorized by now.
Sandy: Shame, though. It was a pretty hot show tonight. The rhythmic give and take of our improvised banter there at the end really got my freak juice flowing.
.tropical storm
-tropical zone:熱帶
-subtropical zone:亞熱帶
-temperate zone:溫帶
-frigid zone:寒帶
.rain cats and dogs/ Don't step in a poodle
rain cats and dogs就是傾盆大雨,相信大家都知道。
首先,這其實是個weather joke(氣候有關的笑話,可見
Q:What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
A:You have to be careful not to step in a poodle.

.rain check
實際上源自美國的棒球比賽,因為棒球比賽若遇到大雨,只能取消擇日再戰;球迷離開球場後會拿到”rain check”,便可再免費看一次比賽。
[商場] 如果買不到東西需要等再進貨,商家也會給予rain check
[社交] 若邀請某人,但對方恰巧有約會而無法到,對方可以說:I hope you’ll give me a rain check,就是希望下次有機會再相約的意思。
但如果你拿了太多次rain check......

其實是son of b*tch的簡稱,這裡可能Robin是在玩speech的同音梗。

Ted: Hi.
Robin: Hi.
Ted: Robin... I've sort of said this already. I mean I've half said it. I've tried to say it, and I've said it badly. So this is me, just saying it. With strings. I'm crazy about you. I think we should be together. What do you say? What do you say?
Robin: Yes. No. I don't know.
Ted: Those are the three options.
Robin: Ted, this is so...
Ted: I know.
Robin: I mean, I come home, I was going to watch Jeopardy and there's a string quartet and... I have to pee.
Ted: Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, well, go ahead. We'll, uh, we'll wait.
(Robin goes to the loo)
Musician: Yeah, 'cause when we talked earlier, you said there'd be pizza.
Ted: No, I said I'd get you a pizza afterwards. Look, could we talk about this later? I'm sort of professing my love here.
Musician: Sure. We're not getting any pizza.
也補充一個片語:"with strings attached",是「有附加條件」的意思哦!



Ted: Well, you're gonna need to get in touch with her. She's gonna teach me how to do a rain dance.
Barney: Did you just say a "rain dance"?
Ted: Yes.
Barney: A rain dance.
Ted: Yes.
Barney: A dance to make it rain.
Ted: Yes. (Barney slaps him once again and Ted slaps him back. Barney tries again to slaps Ted but he stops him) We're finding Penelope!
Barney: No, we are not!
Ted: Yes, we are!
Barney: Ted, you're forcing me to be the voice of reason, and it's not a good look for me!
(They both leave the Bar)
.voice of reason
其實就是指某些人對於事情能夠保持理性、中立,在團體、事件中能夠較為理性的做出決定。像是有人如果吵架的話,voice of reason這類的人就可以比較公正的判斷是非,有點像是和事佬啦。
內容很少欸,只好放上這段rain dance給大家了:3

3 則留言:

  1. 你的筆記太棒了 加油!期待你的英文筆記!

  2. The rhythmic give and take of our improvised banter there at the end really got my freak juice flowing.
    最后那一段我们一唱一和 令我血脉贲张
    give-and-take:a willingness between two people or groups to understand each other, and to let each other have or do some of the things they want
    improvised:临时要做 :to do something without any preparation, because you are forced to do this by unexpected events
    banter:笑话:friendly conversation in which people make a lot of jokes with, and amusing remarks about, each other
    Dick Freak:A girls who is crazy about big hard cocks, usually will only date guys who are very big. whenever they are with a guy there is only one subject of conversation..... his dick. She will pull it out and play with it every chance she gets.
    My girlfriend is only 15 but she is such a dick freak. She's constantly getting in my pants

    Freak 在这我感觉是鸡鸡的意思,上边描述的吃鸡女孩
    juice flow:To make ones 'juice flow' means to arouse ones sexual appetite, expetially males. The phrase is derived from the chemical process that takes place before a dick gets hard. Blood and Dopamine flows to the dick making it hard and giving pleasure respectively.



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