How I Met Your Mother S02E01 - Where Were We? 小筆記

Robin: Hey! So, did you hear the big news?
Ted: You mean how Lily and Marshall broke up and Lily is gone and nothing else even remotely important happened last night? Yeah, I think he knows.
Robin: Oh my god! I... I'm so sorry. What happened?
Marshall: Well, she left. And I don't even know if she's coming back.
(Barney arrives.)
Barney: I didn't get your message until I woke up. Bro, I am so sorry.
Marshall: Thanks.
Barney: I know it must be tough. But are you ready to hear something that will not only make you feel better but will actively excite you?
Marshall: Sure.
Barney: For the first time ever, the three of us are single at the same time. I've dreamed about this day boys and it's going to be legendary! Together, we will own this city. Any time, a girl wants to get back at her ex-boyfriend, we'll be there. Any time a girl wants to solve her father issues through promiscuity and binge-drinking, we will be there. Any time a bachelorette party drives through the city in a limo sticking their heads out, shouting "What's up New York?" we will be what is up New York! Gentlemen, we are about to embark on... (While he's speaking, Barney looks at Ted and then at Robin). Oh man, you guys did it, didn't you?!
.bachelorette party
.embark on

Ted, Barney和Robin在bar。
Barney: So he stays home all the time not getting laid? No, see, that's what you do when you have a fiancée. He should be down here celebrating. He's free. He got that red-head-tumor removed.
Ted: You should write and illustrate children's books.
Barney: You know what Marshall needs to do? He needs to stop being sad. When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story.
Ted: It's only been a month. He just needs to go his own pace. Anyway, lily is the one who caused this whole mess.
Robin: Hey, cut her some slack! She's our friend too. She's just trying to figure out who she is.
Ted: Figure out who she is? She should call me. I got a whole list. She's selfish, she's immature, she's...
Robin: What?
Ted: God, your eyes are so blue.
Robin: Teddy bear... (They kiss, Barney mimes his death with a sword. Ted and Robin look at him and keep kissing)
而illustrate children's book就是兒童讀物。

.go his own pace
接近片語at one's own pace,指用某人較為舒服、習慣的步調處事。
.cut sb. some slack

[DAY FORTY-ONE, in a strip club.]
Man: Gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Sunshine!
Marshall: Barney, I really don't think this is gonna help.
Barney: Do you know why you're not over Lily yet? It's ‘cause you can still picture her naked. You can't get over a woman until you can no longer picture her boobs. It's a scientific fact. The average male brain can only store a finite number of boob images, or BPEGs and your hard drive's filled to capacity with Lily's.
Marshall: There are a lot of them.
Barney: They won't go away until you overwrite them with images of other women's boobs. Now, this journey may take as many as a million boobs so we begin here tonight my friend. Two at the time. Those count as four.
它就是boob picture的意思,Urban dictionary煞有其事的為它下了註解:
When one observes a strikingly awesome pair of boobies and then stores the visual image in their mind.
um........c'est vrai?XD

[DAY FORTY-FOUR, at a base-ball game.]
Ted: Yeah, this is fun, right? We're outside, it's a beautiful day. The Indians are winning!
Marshall: I gotta admit, it is really nice to be outside.
Man: Yankee's fans, please turn your attention to the Diamond Vision for a special seventh-inning-stretch surprise.
Ted: Oh, no. (A man is proposing to his girlfriend. Marshall stands up and throws a hotdog at the engaged couple.)
Marshall: It's all a big lie! She's just gonna break your heart! (Men drag Marshall out of the stadium) You can drag me outta here, but she has no soul!
[DAY FORTY-SIX, at MacLaren's.]
Ted: We've tried everything. Baseball, strippers. The guy still won't eat a damn pancake. I think he's beyond repair.
Robin: See, this is the problem with guys, you don't know how to deal with heartbreak.
Barney: So what's your prescription, Dr Oestrogen? Eat Häagen-Dazs and Watch « Love actually » until your periods sync up? (Ted and Barney laugh)
在911事件發生之後,會用這個休息時間全場唱God bless America(天佑美國)以紀念、哀悼911事件。
.beyond repair
同beyond help,有點類似無可救藥的意思,指not able to be fixed
.<<Love actually>>

Marshall幻想Lily在San Francisco.....
[Marshall daydream, in San Francisco.]
Lily: Wow, Mario's bistro. What a perfect place to whore around.
George Clinton: Only the best for my little Lily Pad.
Lily: Oh funk legend George Clinton, I am so glad you spotted me at your concert an drag me on stage to dance with you Courteney Cox style.
George Clinton: I am so glad you agreed to play tennis with me.
Lily: Oh you know, Marshall tried to get me to play tennis for nine years but I didn't do it because I never truly loved him.
George Clinton: I got you a gift.
Lily: Oh! A ferret. I'll buy it some food next door at the Pet Palace. I've always wanted one, but Marshall have this secret phobia of ferrets.
George Clinton: I bet that's something he made you promise to tell nobody.
Lily: It was! Oh, I love you funk legend George Clinton.
George Clinton: I love you too, Lily. That's right Marshall, she's all mine. Now I'm gonna let her play with my hair.
.Courteney Cox Style
看過《六人行》的就知道,Courteney Cox在劇中飾演了Monica,她也曾經演過驚聲尖叫。
由於Bruce Springsteen曾有一首MV《Dancing in the Dark 》,最後Bruce 從人群中邀請Courteney上台與他共舞,Lily在這裡就是指希望George Clinton也能模仿這一橋段,邀請她上台。


(自己承認中了1, 7,其他也有一點點害怕Q_Q)




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