How I Met Your Mother S01E21 - Milk 小筆記

Barney: (Barney stands up and approaches a woman) Uh, excuse me, has anyone ever told y... Oh, my God.
Woman: What?
Barney: Oh! Call an ambulance!
Woman: What's going on?
Barney: Try not to speak. Here, sit down. Just don't talk, don't talk.
Waitress: Is she okay?
Barney: I'm serious, call 911.
Woman: What's wrong? What's the matter?
Barney: Shh! Shh! Just don't move. Don't move. Just try... Here, have some water. Water! Here, drink this. Shh! Shh!
Barney: Oh, thank God, you're here.
Paramedic: What is going on?!
Barney: I think there might be some internal bleeding. Probably some fractures. We got to get her to the hospital.
Woman: What are you talking about?
Barney: You've had a terrible fall.
Woman: No, I haven't.
Barney: Really? 'Cause I could swear you fell straight out of heaven. Angel... Give him your number. What? Give him your number. What?
All: Give him your number.
Barney: Come on, guys, you're embarrassing me.
All: Give him your number.
Barney: What are you...? Come on. They're not going to stop 'til you give me your number.
Woman: All right!
Barney: It works!
.Oy, gevalt.
很像my god之類的意思,發音可以去查一下XD

.snooze button
那snooze button就是讓你貪睡的按鈕,也就是鬧鐘上的那個按鍵囉:D


Marshall: Hey, Barney, I had some questions about filling out these requisition forms.
Barney: Binoculars. Second pair on my desk.
Marshall: I don't have time to be creepy, dude. I have a lot of work to do.
Barney: Just take a look, will ya? Okay, corner office. Top floor. Check out that guy. Name's Clark Butterfield. He works over at Nicholson, Hewitt and West and every morning, he orders a sandwich from the deli downstairs.
Marshall: So?
Barney: So guess what I did to that sandwich? Here, I took a picture.
Marshall: Oh! Sweet Lord.
Barney: And now I'm e-mailing said picture to him.
Marshall: Ooh! Duck! That is sick! Why would you do that?
Barney: Who knows? This feud goes so far back I can't remember who fired the first shot.
Marshall: You?
Barney: Totally.
Marshall: Well, look, if you would just... help me fill out these forms, that would be great. What?
Barney: Butterfield is going to retaliate within the next four hours. That's been his pattern. This is war, Eriksen. I need you to clear your schedule, call Lily, tell her you'll be home late.
Marshall: This is stupid.
Barney: Stu... Come on, man, I didn't recruit you to work here for your lawyering skills. I recruited you to be my executive mischief consultant.
Marshall: This is a job for me, Barney. It's a way to make some extra wedding money, and that's it. Now I'm sorry, but I have work to do.
Barney: Tracy, could you come in here, please? Would you please inform Mr. Eriksen that I'm no longer speaking to him.
Tracy: Mr. Eriksen, Mr. Stinson is no longer...
Marshall: I get it. Thank you, Tracy.
原稱為:binocular telescopes、 field glasses
簡稱 glasses, nocs, binocs, noculars, binos and bins
bi- 為雙的字根。


sink a feud:盡釋前嫌
deadly feud:不共戴天之仇
.fired the first shot

Ted: I don't understand. What happened to Ellen Pierce? Doesn't she run this place?
Bob: Well, my firm bought out the company. You know, we're a high-end meats and textiles conglomerate, but the geniuses at corporate decided they wanted to diversify, so... here I am.
Ted: So I'm in good hands. You found me a match?
Bob: There she is. Your soul mate. That'll be 500 bucks.
Ted: No way. The last time I did this, the girl turned out to be engaged.
Bob: She's not engaged. She's your soul mate. Just read the file.
Ted from 2030: So I read the file. And by God, this woman was perfect. She liked dogs, she spent her summers in North Carolina, she played bass guitar, she did the Times crossword, she played tennis, she liked old movies, her favorite food was lasagna, her favorite book was Love in the Time of Cholera, her favorite singer was Otis Redding and she wanted two kids-- a boy and a girl.
Ted: All right, fine. Set it up.
.good hand
可參考You’re in good hands,指現在處理事情的人是專家,事情交到他手上非常穩當。
good hand指:專家、好手
.Love in the Time of Cholera


[At Duchess County]
Ted from 2030: And so, one $90 cab ride later, I was in the middle of nowhere.
Lily: Oh, thank God. I'm so sorry about this. Did you get ahold of your date?
Ted: Yes.
Lily: And was she okay about pushing it back?
Ted: Yes. Because she's perfect. So what am I doing here?
Lily: You can never tell Marshall.
Ted: I won't.
Lily: Ever. Swear. Swear on the lives of your unborn boy and girl.
Ted: I swear on Luke and Leia.
Lily: About a month ago, I started getting insomnia. Marrying Marshall had been all I wanted for a long time. But, now that it was really happening, it seemed kind of huge and scary.
Ted: Did you talk to Marshall about it?
Lily: He wouldn't have understood. He's not exactly nervous about tying the knot. So I spent my nights reading, painting, setting the high score on Super Bomber Man...
Ted: That was you? Awesome!
Lily: I know! I just got in the zone and... Not the point of the story. And then I started thinking about Victoria and how she followed her dream to Germany, and I found that art fellowship.
Ted: Let me guess. It's somewhere far away.
Lily: San Francisco. But it's not like I'm going to do it. The dates conflict with the wedding. But I love painting, and I've always wondered if I'm any good. This was a way to find out. And the interview is tonight. In New Haven.
Ted: You don't want to get married.
Lily: Of course I want to get married. I... It's not like I was ever going to do it. I just... I just really wanted to see if I could get this.
Ted: Lily, we live in the center of art and culture in America. I'm sure you could find a program here that's just as selective. But you chose one in a city 3,000 miles away, and you didn't tell Marshall. I think it's pretty clear what that means.
Lily: Okay, I was... I was having second thoughts. But I'm not any more. I... I mean, this flat tire was a sign. I'm not supposed to do this. I'm supposed to go home and-and be with Marshall. You must think I'm so stupid.
Ted: I don't think you're stupid.
Lily: I love Marshall.
Ted: I know you do. Come here. It's okay. Look... Marriage is big. You're allowed to freak out.
Lily: But why am I the only one? How come Marshall isn't doing anything crazy?
.Luke and Leia


.tie the knot
.Super Bomber Man

How I Met Your Mother S01E20 - Best Prom Ever 小筆記

Lily和Marshall為了搶他們心目中最棒的結婚場地--Van Smoot,於是婚禮突然之間要在兩個月後舉行。
Marshall: Shh! Shh! Look how cute she looks. All tuckered out. Hey, babe. Hey, little one. Hey, Lilypad.
Lily: Crap! Band! We forgot a band! It's just gonna be silence and then people chewing.
Marshall: Shh! Shh! Baby, don't worry about it. I called The 88!
Lily: Who?
Marshall: The 88. They're this awesome band. They played my law review party. They were found guilty. On three counts of rocking.
Ted: I saw them two months ago at my cousin Bonzo's wedding, they were great.
Lily: John "Bonzo" Bonham from Led Zeppelin?
Ted: Yes, Lily, my cousin, the drummer from Led Zeppelin, who died in 1980, got married two months ago.
Lily: Look, I... I can't sign off on a band I've never even seen. We... we don't even know if they can play our song. They're... they're going to have to come over here and audition.
Marshall: Baby, The 88 don't audition. They're, like, the Wiggles of wedding bands.
Lily: Well, then... I have to say no.
Marshall: Baby, they're only holding the date until Monday.
Lily: Well... well, are they playing anywhere this weekend?
Marshall: Let me check their Website.
Lily: What?
Ted: Lily, you're being a wee bit intense about this band thing.
Lily: Intense? I have a wedding to plan in nine weeks for 200 people. Even if a dinosaur should poke his head out of my butt and consume this coffee table, I need you to roll with it, okay?
Ted: Wow.
(Barney enters)
Barney: Guys! I just tasted an amazing caterer.
Lily: We already have a caterer.
Barney: Oh, right. You're getting married. You see what I did there? Took a...
Marshall: It looks like The 88 are playing at a high school prom in New Jersey tomorrow.
Lily: A prom? Can... can we go to that?
Marshall: Yeah, we'll just call the high school, they'll let us stand in the back and watch.
.Van Smoot
這兒指一個婚禮的場地,然而…大家知道"the Captain"的名字居然叫做Van Smoot嗎!
我和Tiffany都覺得很像是在為日後埋梗啦,畢竟M和L的婚姻和the Captain關係很大啊!
.tucker out
.The 88

.Led Zeppelin / John "Bonzo" Bonham
Led Zeppelin就是《齊柏林飛船》,英國的搖滾樂團,算是20世紀最為流行且擁有巨大影響力的搖滾樂團。
而John Bonham就是裡面的鼓手,被認為是搖滾史上最偉大的鼓手之一,但他在1980年因為醉酒嘔吐窒息而死,後來樂團也隨之解散。

.sign off
.the Wiggles
看起來像是為小朋友舉辦party時的工作團體,官網這樣介紹:Official site for this Australian band that entertains young children across the world. Includes song clips, TV schedule, games, and coloring sheets.

.wee bit

Lily: Yeah. No, they won't.
Marshall: Why not?
Lily: 'Cause it turns out we're not in high school.
Barney: No sweat, we'll just sneak in.
Marshall: We're not sneaking in to a high school prom.
Lily: Yes, we are. It's the only way.
Ted: You're getting on board with Barney's idea? Man, you really have snapped.
Lily: It's nine weeks till the wedding. At this point, I'd say yes to just about anything.
Barney: Well...
Lily: No, Barney.
.No sweat
人在緊張的時候比較容易出汗,因此no sweat可以指別擔心、某事輕而易舉。
e.g. Don't worry about the flat tire. No sweat! I have a car phone and a set of tools in back.


又有另一個片語叫Don't sweat it,和上面的意思差不多。
e.g. Hey, don't sweat it! You're a good friend and you've loaned me money when I needed it.
或是也可以說「別大驚小怪」,e.g. Hey, I'm not a baby! Man, don't sweat it! I keep an eye on my watch and still have 30 minutes before taking my pill.
.sneak in

.on board
e.g. While most of us might be OK about interracial dating, some people aren’t on board with the notion.

Robin和Lily想要混進high school prom
Lily: All right, what do you think?
Barney: Horrible.
Lily: You're gonna make such a great dad.
Barney: You look so classy and nice. You're going to stick out like a sore thumb. Have you seen how the kids are dressing these days, with the Ashlee and the Lindsay and the Paris? They all dress like strippers. It's go ho or go home.
Lily: Well, we have to get in. I have to see this band, 'cause we have to make a decision by Monday, 'cause I'm getting married in 71 days, and we still don't have...
Robin: Shh. Sweetie, just focus on one thing at a time, okay? Right now, you just have to dress like a whore and that's it.
Lily: All right.
Barney: That's the spirit. Now, ladies, slut up!
.to stick out like a sore thumb
to stick out是伸出在外頭;sore thumb:痛的大姆指,甚至包著紗布。


Sarah went to the ball alone thinking she'd find someone to dance with. But everyone had a partner so she was all alone most of the time. She stuck out like a sore thumb and was very embarrassed.
*補充:under the thumb
e.g. My friend Pete Green is certainly under his wife's thumb. She handles all the money, buys his clothes, won't let him go out at night -- he's almost afraid to breathe without her permission.
.go ho or go home
go ho,ho音很像whore;goho也可以直接當一個名詞
.That's the spirit!
底下貓咪的圖片,牠說:「Today the dog. Tomorrow the world」,我們也可以對牠說:That's the spiritXD

要求劇組重寫劇本XDDDD 大家看看囉!

Barney: How did you guys get in here?
Ted: We just snuck in the back.
Barney: You just snu... Are you serious? I've been trying to get in here all night. I finally paid a janitor 200 bucks to let me borrow this mascot costume.
Ted: But you got in. Slow and steady won the race.
Marshall: Hey, bro, have you seen my fiancée Lily?
Andrew: Your fiancée? Whoa, tonight she's with me, bro. Unless you're looking for trouble.
Marshall: Listen, little buddy, I understand it's prom and the adrenaline's pumping, but...
Andrew: No, not tonight. I've waited too long for this. I finally got a girl and I'm not going to let you take her away from me.
Marshall: Whoa, whoa. Look, let's not get carried away.
Andrew: Yah! Nunchaku!
這裡警衛和清潔工或許都說得通(畢竟沒有演出這段);但從劇本中有security guard來看,這裡很有可能是「清潔工」,而且後半段Security還跑去追Barney

.Slow and steady won the race

Lily: I don't want to be tied down. I want to live in France and Spain and Italy and just soak up life and put it on a canvas, even if it means being a waitress in crappy cafés for five years, I don't care. I'm going to be a painter. And I can't do any of that with a, with a boyfriend shackled around my neck, you know? But anyway, I'm blabbering. Way to make new friends, Lily. I'm sorry. What was your name again?
Man: Marshall.
Lily: Nice to meet you, Marshall. Guess we're hallmates.
Marshall: Yeah.
Lily: It works.
Marshall: Violent Femmes. I love this song.
Lily: Me, too.
Lily: I didn't have any of the experiences I set out to. The travel, the bohemian art life, my big lesbian experience. I didn't do any of it.
Robin: Lily, you're marrying your best friend in the world. I mean, isn't that worth all the other experiences combined?
Lily: Yeah.
Robin: And look, you can still travel, I mean, you can still paint. And as far as your lesbian experience... Happy?
Lily: Yeah. So field hockey, huh?
Robin: Shut up.

而hall mate應該也是依照這樣的方式組合起來的,hall+mate,指住在同一個廊道上的「廊友」(?)

.field hockey


Security guard #1: Trespassing, assaulting a minor. This mascot costume you stole cost $5,000.
Security guard #2: We can have you guys arrested, you know that?
Ted: Oh, come on-- you're the one who let in a kid with nunchakus. You call yourself security guards? I was just defending my boy here.
Marshall: I totally could have taken that kid.
Ted: Uh, yeah, and I totally had your back, so...
Marshall: Well, I don't need it, but thanks.
Ted: Uh, yeah, you did, and you're welcome.
Marshall: No, the kid was totally, like, a white belt and I'm gigantic. Listen, guys, I'm sorry. Please, I just need to get in there for one more song.
Security guards: Absolutely not.
Barney: You guys will thank me for this later, okay? Listen, Don, Ray, can't we all...? (Barney takes the head of the turtle, and starts running away)
Security guard #1: Hey!
Ted: You know, for a turtle, he's surprisingly quick.
.had your back
不過通常看到的是got your back,這在戰爭片很常看到。
有趣的是,有人用"Got Your 6",而且這甚至變成了一項運動的名稱。
"Got Your 6"是2011年Hollywood發起的一項運動,以幫助自中東戰區退伍返家的軍人重新適應平民生活。
由此也可衍伸"Watch/check your 6"來提醒對方小心背後,或問題的發生。


How I Met Your Mother S01E19 - Mary the Paralegal 小筆記

Ted: Barney, I'm not bringing a date. Even if I wanted to, the thing's in two hours.
Barney: So get an escort.
Ted: By "escort," you mean prostitute?
Barney: Why not?
Ted: Because... gross?
Barney: Oh, gross. What, you have some puritanical hang-up about prostitution? Dude, it's the world's oldest profession.
Marshall: You really think that's true?
Barney: Oh, yeah. I bet even Cro-Magnons used to give cave hookers, like, an extra fish for putting out.
Marshall: Aha, so then the oldest profession would be fishermen. Kaboom! You've been lawyered.

.put out
英文解釋為:When a female dispenses her sexual favors she is said to "put out".

Barney: Come on, Ted, let's get you a hooker. It'll be fun.
Ted: Okay, to bring to the banquet and hang out with ironically or to actually have sex with?
Barney: Yes.
Ted: No! It's illegal. And did I mention gross?
Barney: That's adorable. Ted, you're such a hayseed. The companionship business is the growth industry of the 21st century. You do realize that one out of every eight adult women in America is a prostitute.
Marshall: You just made that up.
Barney: Withdrawn.
Marshall: Lawyered. The point is, how long has it been?
Ted: 57 days.
Barney: Is that your water? May I?
Ted: Yeah, go ahead.
Barney: Much obliged. 57 days?! Ted, you are in a slump.
Ted: No, it's not a slump. It's an intentional hiatus from girls. A slump is when you strike out every time you step up to the plate. But I'm off the roster, baby. I'm in the locker room sitting in the whirlpool. And I'll tell you something, it feels pretty good.
Barney: Yeah, you know what else is in that locker room? A naked dudes hanging brain. Ted, you need a lady. And I've got the next best thing-- Mary. She lives in my building. She's smart, she's hot, she's totally cool.
Ted: Oh, she sounds great. And who knows? Maybe we'll wind up getting married someday. You know, if we can get a blessing from her pimp.
Barney: You want to judge a fellow human being based solely on one external characteristic? That's racism. And I do not drink with racists. Good day.
Ted: You're just waiting for me to speak, so you can...
Barney: I said good day!
.Much obliged

英文:A gap or interruption in time, or continuity; a break.

.wind up

Barney: Hi, Mary. Have you met Ted?
Mary: Nice to meet you Ted.
Ted: Hi, Mary. Wow. It's, uh, nice to meet you, too.
Mary: So we're going to an award show?
Ted: Uh, yeah, will you just excuse us for one minute? Barney.
Barney: See you in two shakes, Mare. You two make yourselves comfortable.
Ted: What the hell?
Barney: Dude, your narrow-minded views on professional fornicators were harshing my mellow. So I got you a date for the evening.
Ted: You got me a hooker. A really hot hook-- A hooker!
Barney: Think about it, this is perfect. A: it will make Robin insanely jealous... B: you get to have sex with her... and C: maybe by getting to know Mary, you'll come to see that courtesans are people, too. And D: "B" all night long.
Ted: I'm not taking a prostitute to Robin's banquet.
Barney: The only people who will know are you, me and Marshall. No one will suspect a thing. They'll just see you with this unbelievably smoking hot girl and... Okay, that's a little bit suspicious. Look, I'm just trying to expand your horizons a little bit tonight. But if you're not interested, fine, I'm out 500 bucks. Whatever.
Ted: 500 bucks?
Barney: Ted, you're my cabron. You think I'm gonna stick you with some toothless tranny from the Port Authority? Look at how hot she is. Robin would be so jealous.
Ted: I'm not trying to make Robin jealous, Barney. Look, I... tell Mary, thanks, but no thanks. I have a soul.
.in two shakes (of a lamb's tail)
這個片語其實就是very soon, quickly的意思,據說是指:做什麼事情很快,快得像羊尾巴搖兩次一樣。
所以Barney的see you in two shakes就是see you soon!


是個名詞,是指某事情破壞了某人的興頭,即a person who is buzzkill
這裡Barney將它拆成片語,harsh my mellow了。
但後來這個詞語越來越普及,語意也隨之有些變動;要特別注意時機、場合,這裡Barney應該是當bro, dude的意思,它也可以指nice這種詞語
但是有點不尊重人的講法,請小心使用, too。
.Port Authority

Robin: So, Mary, what do you do for a living?
Barney: She's a paralegal.
Mary: Yes, I'm a paralegal.
Robin: Oh, so, Mary the paralegal. What does a paralegal do exactly?
Mary: I just assist with day-to-day clerical work in a law firm downtown.
Lily: Oh, what firm?
Mary: Douglas, O'Halloran and Stamp.
Marshall: That's a real law firm.
Mary: I know.
Marshall: Nice.
Ted: You're pretty good on your feet.
Mary: Are you flirting with me?
Ted: Is that allowed?
Mary: Yes, it's encouraged.


.clerical work
.good on your feet
其實S01 E01就提過啦!這是形容一個人的反應很快
等於you can think on your feet

How I Met Your Mother S01E18 - Nothing Good Happens After 2 AM 小筆記

這集談V、T、R之間的進展,以「nothing good happens after 2 AM」來貫串。
Ted在要不要和R在一起而焦燥不安;而Barney努力向大家證明2 AM之後還會有很棒的事情發生。
故事開始是因為「CAREER DAY」
Lily: Okay, let's have a big hand for Robin the reporter. All right, our next guest is another friend...
Barney: So, Robin, you ever report on train wrecks? 'Cause I just saw one. What up? Tiny five.
Robin: Ha-ha. Laugh now, those kids are monsters. They're going to eat you alive.
Lily: He has a job doing... What do you do?
Barney: Please. Kids, let's rap. You guys don't give half a brown Crayola what I do for a living, do you?
All: No.
Barney: No. I know what you want. Magic.
.Career Day
wiki:Career Day often refers to a day in school where students learn about different careers and vocations.
career day可以指找人特別來談未來的職涯規劃、職業的某天聚會等等;
看美劇常會看到career day,像是Modern Family S04E21也有哦!
Career day當天有時候會請家長來,也有時候是由老師來請外面的人。
大家都知道Barney的職業是"please"XD Lily不知道怎麼寫,只好寫Barney上去


.get/have/give sb. big hand (for sth.)
因為Robin快爆怒了,Lily快點打了圓場,說:Okay, let's have a big hand for Robin the reporter
這個片語等同於lots of applause for sth.
.let' rap->let's wrap
這裡應該是劇本有誤,Barney的意思應該是let' wrap
let's wrap指的是某事可以結束、停止了。
.don't give half a brown Crayola
其實這個句子還原後應該是:you guys don't give a shit
don't give a shit/damn都是:根本不屑一顧
但因為Barney是在向小孩子講話,不太好講不好的字眼,所以將shit代換成"brown Crayola"

Director: And we're clear.
Man: So, Scherbotsky, got a boyfriend?
Robin: No, and why does this keep coming up today?
Man: Oh, I just thought that guy you were on the phone with...
Robin: What? Oh, no, that was Ted. He's just a friend. I mean, there was this moment where we almost dated, but we want completely different things. Anyway, now he has this girlfriend in Germany and he thinks she's calling to dump him tonight, but I don't think she is. And besides, we want completely different things.
Man: We should have sex.
Robin: What?
Man: Why not? We're both available, we're both attractive, we're both good at it. At least, I'm good at it. And even if you're not, don't worry, I'll have a good time either way.
Robin: Well, moving past the horrifying image of your hair helmet clanging against the headboard, don't get involved with people I work with.
Man: Get involved? Who said get involved? I'm just saying we should have sex, it could be fun.
Ted from 2030: Having sex is fun.
Man: Home number. Call me anytime. A lot of local teens in action tonight...
.moving past
但實際上我認為比較像是:you are stuck on the flaw or weakness - in other words, you cannot let go of it, or it has become a fixed part of your view of yourself and that is why you have a negative self-image.
.hair helmet
所以當髮量多到一定程度時,頭上很像頂著一頂安全帽,這就叫hair helmet


Cab driver: Where you going to, buddy?
Ted: Park Slope, Eighth and Eighth. Okay, here's where I left off with the last guy. See, I have a girlfriend, but I'm going over to this other girl's house...
Victoria: And you're wondering if I'd be upset. Hi, Ted. Remember me, your girlfriend?
Ted: Okay, relax, Robin's just a friend.
Victoria: Right. You're going to go make some juice.
Ted: Yes, yes! Juice is perfectly harmless. In fact, it's healthy.
Victoria: Oh, yeah? Then why are you wondering what she looks like naked?
Ted: I am not won... Okay, even if I am wondering that, it's only 'cause you put it in my head.
Victoria: Ah, but I'm just a manifestation of your subconscious, so actually, you put it in your own head.
Ted: Damn it! Nothing's going to happen.
Victoria: Right.
Ted: Okay, okay. You want a second opinion? Fine.
.Park Slope, Eighth and Eighth
像Joey最愛meatball sub了!!!

Ted from 2030: But after 2:00 a.m, my good sense was sound asleep.
Victoria: So you're doing this? You're going up there?
Ted: You want to get out of the way?
Victoria: I'm not in the way.
Ted: You know, if you had just called me, I...
Robin: Hi.
Ted: Hi. Um, I got some vegetables. I got carrots, I got beets.
Robin: Or we could just drink wine.
Ted: Wine... not? Well, that's the stupidest thing I've ever said.
Robin: Thanks.
Ted: Make it a big glass.
Robin: Sure.
Ted: So, how's it hanging?
Robin: Have you ever had one of those days where nothing at all that monumental happens but by the end of it you have no idea who you are anymore or what the hell you're doing with your life? Do you ever have one of those days?
Ted: Uh, about once a week.
Robin: I don't know, it was just a, a rough day and the only person I wanted to see at the end of it was you. So... um... how was the big phone call with your girlfriend?
Ted from 2030: When the clock strikes 2:00, just go to sleep.
Ted: We broke up.
Robin: What?
Ted: Yeah. Yeah, she finally called. We talked for a while-- how hard long distance is-- and then... she dumped me.
Robin: Oh, Ted, I'm so sorry. That's just terrible. I feel awful.
Ted: You're smiling.
Robin: Am I? No I'm not. I'm a news anchor. Smiling's a part of the job. Thousands died in a tragic avalanche today. See? You're smiling, too.
Ted: Yeah. I have no idea what that's all about.

.how's hanging
其實就是How are you之類的打招呼用語。
記得在Slutty pumpkin那集Ted打扮成hanging chad嗎?他那時候也有用這句來當雙關哦!
.news anchor
e.g. he signed off after nineteen years as CBS news anchor
其實英文的主播有幾個不同的詞彙,anchor(黃金主播,當家時段)、Newsreader/newscaster (專任主播,整點時段)及Reporter-anchor(兼任主播,假日或冷門時段)

Ted: (Ted goes out in the hall) Hello?
Korean Elvis: Ted, this is your main man, K.E. I want you to shake your tail feathers down here ASAP, you dig?
Marshall: Sorry about that.
Ted: Was that Korean Elvis?
Marshall: I'll explain later. Hey, we're headed down to MacLaren's.
Ted: Um... Actually... I'm at Robin's. Yeah, and, um... I might have done something bad. I just lied and told her I broke up with Victoria.
Marshall: Ted, I don't want to swear in front of Korean Elvis, but what the bleep are you doing, dude?
Ted: What do you expect from me? It's Robin. Victoria's great, but, it's Robin. I've made up my mind. I'm going to end it with Victoria.
Lily: Gonna?
Ted: Yes. First thing tomorrow.
Lily: Okay, but, but, as of right now at-at... 2:45 a.m. you still have a girlfriend. Ted, I love you. I love Robin. But if you do this right now, your entire future with her will be built on a crime. Just go home, Ted. Don't do this the wrong way.
Ted: I hate how you're always right.
Lily: It's my best and most annoying trait.
Ted: Okay. I'm coming home. I'll see you soon. (Ted comes back to Robin's apartment)
.main man
.shake your tail feathers
tail feather,鳥的尾羽,其實就是ass, butt的同義詞



Barney非常努力要證明after 2:00還是會有好事發生,一直留Lily和Marshall下來…
Ted from 2030: Meanwhile, back at the bar, Barney was still trying to prove that good things can happen after 2:00 a.m.
Barney: Come on, Lily. How many women can say they've been personally serenaded by Korean Elvis?
Lily: I think he just spat on me.
Marshall: Barney, you tried, I think that's great, but we're going.
Barney: No! No, come on.
Marshall: Yes!
Barney: Dude, we haen't hit legendary yet. We're only at the "le". We still got the "gen." The "da." The "ry."
Lily: Okay, if we're at the "le," then I say we follow it up with a "t's go home."
Marshall: Oh, wow, you just got burned, phonics style.
Korean Elvis: No, no, no, no, no. Baby, baby, baby, don't go. Just one dance, huh?
Lily: Okay, seriously.
Korean Elvis: Hey, I know what you like.
Ted from 2030: And so, Barney was right-- the night was legendary. It would come to be known as The Time Lily Kicked Korean Elvis in the Nards.
Barney: Hey, you guys remember the time that Lily kicked Korean Elvis in the Nards?
Lily在Le後面接's go home


phonics 指的是一般兒美所謂的自然發音法,或是字母拼讀法喔,也就是所謂看到字就可以念得出音的(英語教學)方法,通常phonics教的就是把一個字照音節拆開來拼讀。 因此,前面Barney本來要講legendary, 才講到第一個音節而已,(We haven't hit legendary yet, 這裡hit是講到的意思),還有後面的gen,da,ry還沒講到。 所以Lily 照他的拆法,把le當成是Let's go home的第一個音節。
Marshall 才會一副看好戲的說 You just got burned. 你被反將一軍了,phonics style.

phonics 是名詞,不是形容詞喔,所以解釋不會有"的", 如果真的要講究一點的話,音韻學是phonology, "音韻學的/聲韻學的"應該是 phonological. 因為這是我的老本行,忍不住跳出來補充一下。


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